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09/28/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/28/1970 Council Minutes
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202 <br />have one attorney representing the 4 villages in order to save money. Mr. L'Allier <br />mentioned that the same thing happened on the Highway Patrol tickets which we <br />must prosecute; he liked Mr. Peterson's ideas. <br />Mr. McMurchie stated that the whole area will have Metro Police in 5 years and <br />we will be one precinct; however, if we had the County service, they would be <br />reimbursed. There was discussion. Mr. L'Allier noted that if we get adequate <br />protection, we could keep the Metro Council out. <br />Councilman Otte of Lexington stated that he would like to see how long before they <br />would be locked up for violation of the law if they keep the part time force. <br />They could have 1 full time man. He felt the Metro Council would only come if <br />the people let it come. <br />Mr. Rosengren stated that he would prefer to stay as we are if we could, but he <br />leaned toward the County. He feels there will be a great change here in the next <br />year and we may do something altogether different. <br />Mr. Cardinal agreed with Mr. Rosengren, feeling that the County could buy the <br />equipment so we would not be out so much. Mr. McMurchie asked where it was in <br />black and white that the County would purchase the equipment. Mr. L'Allier stated <br />that this would have to go in the contract. <br />Mr. Myhre questioned why there should be this difference in the proposal0 favored <br />by the police and the Council members. Robert Patt of the Circle Pines department <br />asked what the Sheriff had to offer -- he felt it wasn't half of what the part <br />time forces gave now. With the consolidated plan the Villages would have control. <br />Mr. Patt stated that on medical calls the Sheriff's department waits for an , <br />ambulance whereas the local men save time and money by taking a less -- ,seriously <br />injured person directly to the hospital themselves. Mr. L'Allier felt that even <br />if we went County we could keep one of our cars to use and keep the constables on. <br />Darrel Knell asked why there couldn't be evening classes for the training; he felt <br />that we should keep the 4 departments together, so they could overlap a little. <br />There was discussion,- <br />Mr. McMurchie suggested that we ask for an answer from the Attorney General's <br />office, stating that we have no intention to jeopardize our part time police <br />departments and need part time training. <br />There was discussion on reimbursement for wages and for tuition; it was suggested <br />that clauses be added to contracts on reimbursement of tuition so that the officer <br />would have to stay with his own force; perhaps a department hiring a recently <br />trained man could reimburse the one paying for the tuition. <br />Mayor Munson stated that Centerville was not obligated to go with either plan <br />since they are under 1,000 population. As for Lexington, they are against the <br />County proposal because of previous dealings with them. He commented that <br />since Mr. Kordiak feels this is a gift to us and mentions the other public <br />buildings which the County has provided for various communities (such as Columbia <br />Arena), that maybe we should ask for full time County policing at no cost to us. <br />Mr. Munson felt that the County police force would be run like the Court system. <br />He agreed with Mlr. Otte that we should wait and see -- nothing has happened yet. <br />He thought it unfair that the cost should always be based on population rather <br />than area or valuation. <br />
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