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09/28/1970 Council Minutes (2)
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/28/1970 Council Minutes (2)
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Council Minutes
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20;3 <br />Mayor Rivard stated that Centerville had requested a proposal from the County as <br />early as 1960. For the past year and one -half help from the County has diminished <br />to a point where calls for help have gotten nothing. Mr. Rivard thought that <br />another motive for the Sheriff's proposal was that this would help the Sheriff's <br />department which doesn't have as much as it wants. He felt that Centerville <br />wouldn't get much more help under the County proposal. <br />Mr. Myhre questioned why the County would give so much for a few years. There, <br />was discussion on Ramsey County policing which seems satisfactory and is financed <br />by taxes. <br />Al Westerhaus of Circle Pines asked whether the Village attorneys had checked the <br />two proposals. Mayor L'Allier stated that Lino Lakes had not done so but would <br />have the Attorney check a contract. Attorney Locher, now present, stated that <br />he had read through the combined proposal but had made no determination. <br />Mayor L'Allier asked Mr. Locher if there was any basis for the charge that such <br />a subsidy was an illegal use of funds. qtr. Locher stated that it seems the County <br />can enter into contract and levy special assessments. <br />It was mentioned that all 4 villages were required for the proposals. <br />Richard Hirt of Lexington stated that he didn't like either cost; for the money, <br />Lexington could provide a full time force. <br />There was further discussion on the training and the training officers furnished <br />by the County. <br />Mayor L'Allier noted that the session was out of time. He would ask the Lino <br />Council if they wished to seek an Attorney General's opinion on the training statutes. <br />Mr. Mclurchie stated that he had talked with persons on Federal funding -- a program <br />director and a financial officer would be necessary. <br />Mr. Otte stated that with Federal money comes Federal controls. <br />The meeting closed at 8:31 p.m. <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of October 13, 197 <br />Clerk- reasurer. <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on September 28, 1970 <br />was called to order at 8:34 p.m. by Mayor L'Allier with all members present. <br />There were no minutes ready for acceptance because of lack of time for preparation <br />due to the primary election and the two budget meetings. <br />Mr. L'Allier mentioned that a meeting to discuss mobile home parks as part of a <br />continuing effort to obtain information on same was tentatively scheduled for <br />October 13th. Letters requesting proposed legislation for the 1971 session on <br />taxation of mobile homes had brought answers from the Metro Section of the League <br />of Minn. Municipalities and the Minn. Mobile Home Assn. These answers were read. <br />Mr. T. H. Walters, Exec. Director of the Mobile Home Assn. was present. Mr. Summers, <br />representing Gilbert Menkveld, stated that he had requested Mr. Walters to make <br />a presentation and would call him during the hearing. <br />
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