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11/09/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/09/1970 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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11/9/70 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on November <br />9,1970, was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by Mayor L'Allier with all <br />members present. <br />Mr , Rosengren mared :to aooept `the _ minutes -of the special - oau ais1ng <br />meeting held on November 4th as written. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. <br />Motion carried with Mr. Jaworski abstaining as he had been absent. <br />The Clerk was asked to read the results of the local election. <br />The Clerk reported that a notice had been received from the Metro <br />Transit Commission approving the proposed bus service by Rice - <br />Edgerton Lines. Sample ordinances on no burning had been received <br />from Mr. Hutchison of the Anoka County Health Dept. as well as copies <br />of the Blaine ordinance regarding same. <br />The Lino Elementary Parents Club requested a bingo permit for November 20th <br />at the school. Mr. Jaworski moved to grant a bingo permit for November 20th <br />to the Parent's Olub. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried unanimously. <br />Letters had been received from both Anoka and Ramsey Counties regarding the <br />request for a review of the speed limit on County Road J west of Hwy 49. The <br />Lexington fire report for the third quarter was read. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated that a problem had arisen before the election regarding <br />the ballot on the proposed park land purchase. Mr. Locher stated that on <br />the 9th of October, as required by State law, he had ordered printing of <br />these ballots as well as the general Village ballots through the Arpka <br />County Union & Shopper and had specifically asked that one pad of each <br />ballot be delivered directly to the County Auditor's office for use by <br />absentee voters. Mr. Locher had proofread the ballots on the 15th; they <br />were to be printed either that day or the next and delivered immediately <br />thereafter. However, there had been an error in the shipping department <br />and the ballots were not delivered to the Auditors office. Mr. Locher <br />had received a letter from Mr. Tam Pease of the Shopper which he read, <br />stating the dates of delivery of the ballots to the Clerk, that the 2 <br />pads had-not been taken out or delivered as ordered, and offering his <br />apologies for the mistake. Mr. Locher stated that the situation was <br />moot since the vote on the park ballot was far apart. Only 7 absentee <br />voters were affected since one applicant was not a registered voter. <br />Mr. L cher had discussed the matter with the Attorney General and the <br />County Attorney; it was decided that the ballot should go on the <br />election since it was an innocent error. There were no questions on <br />the subject. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that he had received a letter from Ken Rehbein <br />requesting that the Engineer be present at the P&Z hearing on the 18th of <br />November to answer questions; Mr. Cardinal wished to make this request. <br />Mr. Bohjanen stated that no motion was necessary since it was at the <br />builder's request. W. Cardinal also requested that the Building Inspector <br />attend the next P&Z meeting. <br />Mr. L'Allier asked Mr. Dupre for a report on the Olson home. Mr. Dupre <br />stated tilt he had inspected the home this evening and had talked to Mr. <br />Olson prior to the meeting. Mr. Dupre stated that the house needed 3 <br />windows in the front, plus siding and sheetrock. He didn't feel that it <br />would take long to do. Mr. Cardinal noted that questions on the construct- <br />ion had originated at the P&Z, mentioning that from the outside one can't <br />see progress on the inside. He wished to know how soon Mr. Olson would do <br />the remaining work. Mr. Olson stated that he was handling it as fast as <br />be could; that money was not available, especially for homes without city <br />sewer and water. He had to wait for the windows before putting on the <br />
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