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11/09/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/09/1970 Council Minutes
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11/9/70 <br />brick and the siding. He stated that the inside was cuing fine. <br />Mr. L'Allier asked Mr. Dupre if Mr. Olson was making reasonable progress; Mr. <br />Dupre stated that he was making progress but it was slow. There was further <br />discussion with Mr. Locher reading a portion of Section B of 2. Pertits of <br />the Building Code. It was agreed that the building permit was still in effect <br />if Mr. Olson was working on the house. <br />Mr. Jaworski requested permission to buy 2 more lights at the hockey rink for <br />an approximate cost of $75. After considerable°disoussion, Mr. Jaworski moved <br />to purchase 2 lights for the hockey rink and to check on the. adequacy of the <br />lighting system in Lino Park. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Rosengren moved to obtain 2 security lights from REA for the fronting sides <br />of the new building. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried unanimously. Mr. <br />Rosengren will call them and have the lights installed. <br />Mr. Rosengren reported that he bed received two well bids, from Dave Sampson <br />ad Ernie Ludwig. There was some discussion on the bids which were given to <br />Mr. Locher to check. Mr. Bohjanen wondered if there would be water by the 21st. <br />Mr. Rosengren reported that he had gotten a quote on a 5 foot broom for the Cub <br />tractor for the factory price of $595 minus a discount of $50;,freight charges <br />would add about $30. We would pick it up and install it. Mr. Jaworski stated <br />that it would save money on cleaning the rinks; Mr. Rosengren stated that it <br />could be used for sweeping the streets during road work. After discussion, <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to purchase the broom for $474, the cost to be split equally <br />between the Parks and the Roads funds. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Rosengren reported that progress on the outside of the building was depend- <br />ing on the bricklayers; otherwise it was coming along well. The building will <br />be ready to go in by the 21st, but will not be finished; we will push them. Mr. <br />Bohjanen stated that he had talked with Mattson's home office today, but had <br />been unable to reach Mr. Hagen to do business; he sight theVme night have <br />to move some stuff to make room. <br />Mr. Rosengren stated that he would like to put the gasoline, tank and pinup out <br />on bids or perhaps the Village should buy the tank and pump and let bids on <br />the gasoline alone. There was considerable discussion on this. The Clerk was <br />asked to check the amount of gas used per year by the various departments <br />excluding the Police who use ethyl gasoline. Denny Houle suggested that the <br />Village anchor the tank to keep it from floating when the gas level is low; <br />also, the tank would be cheaper to buy from the supplier. After further die- <br />evasion, Mr. Rosengren moved to authorize advertizing for bids for gasoline, <br />tank and pump, and to make provisions for the buyback of the tank if it <br />seems feasible. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Rosengren moved, on Mr. Gotwald's recommendation, to release the State's <br />bond for hauling on 80th. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk is to check the bond for Schuh on 80th; if there is none, she is to <br />contact Mr. Gotwald. <br />
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