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11/23/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/23/1970 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />11/23/70 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on November 23, 1970, was <br />palled to order at 8:05 p.m. by Mayor L'Allier with all members present. <br />A presentation of the Sevin Model 220 photocopier was made by-Mr. Jim Hart. The machine <br />uses paper on a roll which may be cut to length. The maximum price per letter -size copy <br />is 2¢ each. The machine could be purchased for $1295 outright or'leased for appriximately <br />$35 per month for 5 years. The company guarantees that the machine will make legible <br />copies for 5 years. There'is a 90 day warranty on parts and labor; they will service the <br />machine. Mr. Hart felt that a service contract was unnecessary if we made fewer than 5000 <br />copies per month. <br />Mr. Hart also presented their smaller model which uses cut sheets in a cartridge. The <br />Machine could be purchased for $845 or leased for 3 years at approximately $33 per month. <br />If we were to lease the smaller model and later decide to go to the 220, they would allow <br />the equivalent of what we had paid on the original lease towards the larger model. The <br />shelf life of the paper is 50 years. After considerable discussion, it was decided to try <br />the larger model for a few days. <br />The scheduled hearing for rezoning for E1 Rehbethn & Son was called to order at 8 :38 p.m. <br />Mr. Locher read the affidavits of posting and mailing as well as the affidavit of publi- <br />cation from the Forest Lake TIMES, stating that all was timely. <br />Mr. Cardinal stated that the P&Z had one more question on the apartments, namely, whether <br />the buildings were to be pre -fab or custom built. Mr. Ken Rehbeetated that we had seen <br />the plans; it was obvious they were to be custom built. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that the P&2 had recommended that the Council grant Ordinance 6S for <br />the rezoning to commercial with the stipulation that ¥r. Rehbein provided 6 additional items. <br />Mr. Rehbein presented all of the required items at this time, including new drawings and <br />some letters. There will be about twice the amount of parking spaces ad the number of <br />living units. There will. also be a 30E' setback for the drainfield from the property lines. <br />No one else wished to speak either in favor or in opposition to the proposal. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to approve Ordinance No. 6S as it is written in thepublication affidavit. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. Mr. Locher stated that there need <br />for a special use permit forapartments in a commercial zone. All connected charges will be <br />billed to Mr. Rehbein. <br />Mr.•Cardinal moved to adjourn the hearing at 8:50 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried <br />unanimously. <br />The Clerk °reported that $35 in municipal court fines had been received. Two applications <br />for the position of assistant constable were passed around. A letter from Mr. Gotwald <br />concerning the 1971 truck bids was read stating the following information: The lowest bid <br />was from Merit Chevrolet in the amount of $6,134.21; the second bid was from Anoka Inter- <br />national Sales in the amount of $6,245.75, both having a delivery date of 90 days. Merit <br />Chevrolet had also included a bid in the amount of $6,964 for a 427' truck, delivery date <br />2 days, the horsepower specs exceeding our requirements. W. Gotwald felt that this addi- <br />tional bid should be considered, but that we should get an option from Mr. Locher. <br />Mr. 0lmschenk of Merit Chevrolet came forward to give additional information on the 427" <br />truck. He felt that it was a better buy than the one bid because it is in stock and heavier. <br />Mr. Locher thought *hat if we wished to go to the larger truck, since it is different from <br />the specs and the difference in price is $879, we should readvertize using new specs in line <br />with, the alternate bid. There was some discussion. Mr. Locher was given the bids to con- <br />sider. <br />
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