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11/30/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/30/1970 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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11/30/70 <br />The special meeting of the Lino Lake Village Council held on November 30, 1970, was <br />called to order at 8:12 p.m. by Mayor L'Allier with all members present as well as <br />several members of the Building Committe.. The purpose of the special meeting was <br />to discuss additional bids on equipment to be purcased in oonjuntion with the new truck. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to waive special notice of this meeting. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. <br />Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Rosengren reported that he now had two bids on the plow and wing to be installed on <br />the truck. The first was from Chas. Olson & Sons. Mr. Bob Everett of the firm made a <br />presentation, reading the details set forth on the quotation sheet; the price for a Frink <br />V -plow and wing would be $4,388.98. The units were in stock at Green Bay; it would take <br />about 30 days to complete attaching the unit to the truck from the order date. The <br />time might be less, depending on the freight. There is a 90 day guarantee from Frink <br />on the plow for parts and labor and a guarantee on materials for 1 year from Olson & Sons. <br />The lights for the truck were a separate item, There was discussion on the merits of <br />having the headlights on the front or the top of the truck. <br />Mr. Don Carlson of Itasca Equipment spoke on his company's bid on a Wausau V -plow and wing. <br />Their price was $3,149 plus $260 for mounting. Two options on heavier v -plows were inclu- <br />ded (these were lettered A and B for future reference). W. Carlson recommended that we <br />purchase a Husting hitch (total cost -- $278) which would be tailored for the truck; also, <br />this would make the plow interchangeable with out other trucks having the same hitch. <br />The Wausau V -plow is not corrugated like the Frink; Mr. Carlson noted that under certain <br />temperature conditions an inversion will cause the snow to peck in the corrugations, <br />which is why Wausau no longer uses them. However, the Wausau plow is dimpled on the back <br />panel for corresponding strength. Mr. Carlson stated that the Wausau plows are used on <br />all the trucks in Chicago County, Washington County, some of Anoka County and the Minnes- <br />ota Highway Dept. There was more discussion concerning the deflectors and the options. <br />A beacon strobe light was also available from Itasca. W. Myhre stated that the Highway <br />Patrol doesn't like the strobe lights since the flash interval is too short. After <br />discussion, W. Carlson stated that the total for headlights, wing light and flashing <br />light plus bracket wouldbe $200. It was decided to exclude the deflectors. Option A <br />From Itasca Equip. including the lights came to a total price of $4022; Option.B with <br />lights came to $4127. Mr. Carlson guaranteed 15 days delivery from their shop., <br />After discussion and measurements, it was decided that our V -plow could be used with <br />the Rusting hitch. The price on Option A after eliminating some $1217 for V -plow, plow <br />unit of hih and $45 mounting cost, came to $2,805; price for Option B after eliminations <br />came to $2,910, both including lights. Mr. Carlson stated that the ram.would be included. <br />W. Olmschenk from Merit Chev. made some comments on the Chain of responsibility if we <br />should purchase the plow from someone other than Chas. Olson. W. L'Allier talked by <br />phone with Attorney Locher who stated that it was okay to change the bid by reductions. <br />Mr. Olmschenk stated that. our V -plow could be used with their equipment. He would call <br />back tomorrow with price changes. W. Olmschenk stated that they were about half done <br />with the installation, of the box and controls and should be finished within 7 days. The <br />ram would be included also if we took the Olson bid. <br />Mr. Rosengren and the Clerk had talked with Mr. Vagasky at the bank who had stated <br />that he would give us 5 1/2% for either a 2 or 3 year contract. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to authorize the Clerk and Centennial State Bank of Lexington to draw <br />up the necessary papers for the financing of the truck and the box, plow, etc., necessary <br />to equip the truck for operation at 5 1/2% for 2 or 3 years, and to authorize the Mayor <br />to sign the papers; also, to include a clause allowing the payoff without penalty if we <br />should have the funds to do so. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried unanimously. <br />
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