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01/19/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/19/1971 Council Minutes
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12/23/2014 12:07:08 PM
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12/23/2014 10:21:35 AM
City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />Mr. Macklin inquired whether it was necessary to have ell 20 canopy lights on <br />every evening; he felt that these should only be on on meeting nights, since the <br />two security lights are sufficient. This was agreeable. Itr. Bohjanen suggested <br />trying some frosted lights above the Council table. <br />r. Juleen ,asked how much money it was necessary tr+ '^av +wo bids for; W. <br />Locher stated that anything up to X5000 required informal bids which must be <br />kept on file for 1 year. After $5000 ,we must advertize for bids. <br />Mr. T•'Allier noted the plague on the clock which had been donated by Centennial <br />"tate Bank of Lixington; also, they had donated a clock for the Clerk's office. <br />A letter of thanks will be sent. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to adjourn at 10:18..P.M. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of January 25,-401 <br />leri - areasure <br />1/19/71 <br />The special meeting held jointly with the Village Council, P&Z Board and the <br />Metro Parka planners was called to order on January 19, 1971 at 8:07 P.M. The <br />meeting was turned over to Tom Van Hausen, Planning Consultant. Mr. Van Hausen <br />then turned the meeting over to Barry Peterson, who is in charge of the fpen <br />Space Program. He discussed what kind of open space is needed here in the <br />Village. He also discussed the types of soil and land around the lakes and <br />their suitability for development. <br />on Jaworski asked whether or not they were discussing just Lino Lakes (the <br />prime interest where the park was concerned). The answer was that the soil <br />conservation study did not have the research on other areas finished at the <br />time this study was made. <br />The approach was made in what seemed to be the right direction in which the <br />Village should go. They have gone into detailed study to show what kind <br />of soil, vegation, etc. was in our area. <br />The nuestion was asked about how many acres of land was being discussed. <br />The answer was approximately 6800 acres (1400 -1500 acres was water surface) <br />with about 2000 acres of the most restricted area (the kind of area which <br />must be watched most closely as to the development). <br />The land access system ea¢ discussed. <br />Ron Jaworski asked who would use this area. Who would have the Ray as to what <br />could or could not be done. There was discussion on this. <br />There were some questions asked from the audience, to wit; (1) How would the <br />Rice Creek water feed affect this whole promotion? (2) What will the metro <br />Council do to the. terms of assessment in terms of what a water feed distric <br />would do? (3) Is the "etro Council going to see if there is proper legislation <br />
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