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01/25/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/25/1971 Council Minutes
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270 <br />1/25/71 <br />sign which will be hung outside, weather permitting. <br />mi.. James Schilling requested a variance for a lot in Cecil LaMotte's <br />Third Addition. '4r. LaMotte stated that the lot lines in his Second Addition <br />have now been settled with the Water Department. Mr. Schilling did not know <br />exactly which lot he wanted, did not have a survey or a legal description. <br />He wanted to erect a modular home and to dig the basement this week. Ur. <br />L'Allier explained that all variances must first go be fore the Planning and <br />Zoning Board before the Council can act. The next Planning and Zoning <br />Board meeting is February 17th and the first Council meeting after that on <br />the 28th. Mr. Schilling stated he couldn't wait that long. Mr. Cardinal <br />moved that Mr, James Schilling should present his plans and legal description <br />and request a variance before the Planning and Zoning Board. Seconded by <br />Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />At. 9 P.M. Mayor L'Allier opened the public hearixig for Lee C. Smith. <br />Attorney Locher stated that all affidavits were on file with the Clerk andhe <br />read the list of property owners who had been notified of °the hearing. Mr. <br />Smith was not present nor were any of the neighbors notified so no one spoke <br />in favor of or against the rezoning. Mr. Locher moted that John McLean had been <br />notified before the Planning Board meeting by Mr. Smith that he had "nothing <br />to present. Mr. Smith also mentioned that Superior Gulf Gil had exercised <br />their option on the property that had alregdybeen zoned commercial at 35W <br />And Old Highway 8 for a gam station and possibly a restaurant. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to deny the petition for rezoning of lands in Section 17, <br />T. 31,N, P 22W, located in Lino 'raked for Mr. Lae C. Smith on the recommendation <br />of the Planning and Zoning Board on the basis of nonconformance and to dis- <br />continue the present hearing. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Motion carried <br />unanimously. Mr. Locher noted that Mr. Smith should understand that the <br />Council is not trying to discourage him but they want to start .,over with a <br />clean slate. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to close the hearing at 9:10 P.M., seconded by Mr. Rosengren. <br />Carried. <br />Ur. Gotwald will report on lights and other questions et the next meeting. <br />The Village had received a thank -you letter from Circle Pines for the use <br />of the squad car when theirs was out of order and they had inquired of the <br />fee involved. "r. L'Allier etated that the insurance covered the car when it <br />was out of the Village and the reciprocal help agreement covered the loan of <br />the car but perhaps we should charge a nominal expense fee just to keep the <br />records straight. 1"r. L'Allier moved to send a bill to Circle Pines for 51 <br />per mile to cover expenses of the Police car while it was on loan. Motion <br />seconded by Mr. Posengren. Carried, <br />Attorney Locher had been notified by the County Health Board of a four -unit <br />apartment building at 1160 Main Street, Vino Takes which was violating the <br />health ordinance in many ways, especially with sewer bubbling up in the back <br />yard. Mr. Tocher bad notified the owner, Mrs. Anne !rawchuk, and given her the <br />opportunity to take care of the matter voluntarily. Mrs. Krawchuk had called <br />Mayor L'Allier and reported that she had had boring teked of the sewer Area <br />with results as yet unknown. <br />
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