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03/08/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/08/1971 Council Minutes
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284 <br />3/8/71 <br />Mr. Locher reported that he had called Mr. G. J. O'Brien of the North <br />Central Public Service Company and had received a letter from him dated <br />Feb. 18th, which he -read. Mr. O'Brien had stated that the company had <br />instituted a 4% increase effective Dec. of 1970, but that the supplier had <br />raised the gas rates so that the total increase was in excess of 4 %; The <br />company's 4% increase in the winter amounts to 5 -6 %, with less increase in <br />the summer, averaging 4% for the year. The gas bills in February reflect <br />the 4% increase, the rate adjustment and the extra amount for the overall 4% <br />yearly increase. W. Locher stated that the supplier's increase was some <br />1.7 %. Mr. Jaworski stated that he would like to argue that raise since he <br />felt there had been a 12% increase; also, he could supply proof to take to <br />the company. Mr. L'Allier suggested that Mr. Jaworski get togeather with <br />Mr. Blaylock to compare increases in North Central's rated with that of Circle <br />Pines Utilities. <br />Mr. Locher stated that he had talked with Larry Shaw at the P.C.A., and that <br />they have no objections at this point to our not having adopted a burning <br />ban since we are working on it. If there are less than 200 people per <br />section of land, that section can be excluded from the ban, Mr. Gotwald <br />stated that he hasn't had a chance to go over the aerial photos with the <br />Council yet. Mr. Locher had a set of 1965 aerials to leave; newer ones would <br />have to be purchased. Mr. L'Allier instructed the Building Inspector and the <br />Assessor to determine the number of houses (new)since the aerials were made. <br />The date of March 23rd was set to discuss the open spaces to be excluded. <br />Mr. L'Allier informed the audience that they could still burn garbage. <br />Mr. Locher commented that auto's, etc., could no longer be burned. <br />Mr. Locher stated that he had met with Mr. Gotwald and Mr. VanHousen on the <br />comprehensive zoning plan, but there was some work to do yet. He felt that <br />the industrial and commercial area should be gone into thoroughly, and <br />suggested that a joint meeting with the P&Z be held on this. He noted that <br />there were the questions on the Metro Airport and the. Metro Park, he could <br />not recommend passage of the plan, yet. Mr. L'Allier noted that the Planner <br />had indicated that he would attend the next Council meeting. <br />The clerk reported that both applicants for the Deputy Clerk's position <br />had asked to be removed from consideration since one would be receiving a <br />baby for adoption and the other had gone back to work at her old job. After <br />discussion, Mr. L'Allier moved that Mrs. Sarner, Assessor, be hired as the <br />Deputy Clerk until a Deputy is found, if she is able to handle this with <br />her other duties, and that we re- advertise in a few weeks; also that Mr. <br />Locher finds that there is no legal objection. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. <br />Carried unanimoulsy. Mr. Cardinal suggested that if Mrs. Sarner is to take <br />the next P&Z meeting, a letter of thanks be sent to Kay Olson. <br />Mr. Jaworski stated that the committee on municipal license fees would meet <br />tomorrow and would consider the licensing of rubbish haulers. Mr. Jaworski <br />moved that the matter of adopting the PCA ordinances on burning. etc., be <br />tabled. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. The Clerk will <br />mail copies of the Lexington ordinances to Council Members. <br />No new business was proposed. <br />
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