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3/8/71 <br />Mr. L'Allier offered a motion to pass a resolution favoring House File <br />'934 concerning split liquor, and which is endorsed by the County,Ass'n. <br />He noted that this didn't directly concern Lino Lakes, but that it would <br />permit private on -sale liquor licenses in a municipality having municipal <br />liquor would eliminate the mandatory phase -out of private on -sale <br />licenses, and would increase the number of private on -sale licenses. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. Mr. L'Allier asked that <br />these resolutions be transmited to all County Legislators. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated that he had requested that the County Assn go on <br />record favoring the legislative bills and proposals which the Council had <br />favored at the previous meeting the Youth Center. He passed around a <br />booklet on the proposed Secure Treatment facility for juvenile boys which <br />has been recommended to be built at St. Cloud. Mr. L'Allier mentioned <br />that $60,000 had been allocated for the study of such a facility, this <br />booklet being the result of that study. Hopefully, some $4.7 million <br />will be appropriated to build it. The Association had favored this facility <br />and had also favored housing girls in the Red Wing facility. If this is <br />done, it will relieve some of the pressure in the co-ed Lino facility. <br />The Association had also favored House File. #377,concerning persons <br />breaking into such facilities. Another bill which the Association had <br />favored would provide community correctional center or half -way homes <br />for juveniles. <br />Mr. Gotwald mentioned the letter from the Metro Sewer Board, stating that <br />it was one of many exchanged concerning the cose allocations. This <br />letter definitely stated that a portion of the charges is for planning. <br />So far we have received no official notice that they have done any planning <br />for the Lino Lakes interceptor or that it is included in the Metro Council <br />budget. W. Gotwald has arranged to meet with the Fiscal Agent on financing <br />of the laterals and the interceptor, He didn't feel there should be any <br />charges for flow in 1971 even of Jandric has 1 or 2 houses to connect. Mr. <br />Cardinal moved, on Mr. Gotwald's recommendation, that this matter be tabled <br />until we receive officail notice of any planning or budget allocation for <br />the interceptor. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />A letter from the Walter Bulter Company requesting information on future <br />sewer service to the area of the Youth Center was read. Mr. Gotwald <br />recommended that we inform them that we have no immediate plan to construct <br />service to the Youth Cernter, that we have received no request from <br />residents in the area to construct sewers, and that we have no way to give <br />them the requested information. Mr. Gotwald noted that if we planned to run <br />service up there in two years that Butler would let the plant at the Youth <br />Center go as is until they could hook up. However, if we planned to run the <br />lines in 5 years, then they would up -grade the plant at the Youth Center. <br />Mr. Gotwald stated that if the people in that area wanted sewer, we could <br />go right ahead since we have capacity in the interceptor at the Blaine <br />hook -up. Mr. Rosengren moved to correspond with the Walter Butler Co. <br />as recommended by Mr. Gotwald. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Rosengren had no report. <br />