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01/22/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/22/1968 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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Mr. Cardinal moved that the Council approve the P&Z's recommendation of a special <br />use permit for the NW Saddle Club. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen, carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal made a motion that the Council accept the P&Z's recommendation to <br />grant a variance to Harold Lehman to subdivide Lot # 20 of Arthur E. Thom Acres for <br />future sale to the Baldwin Lake Trailer Park. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen, carried. <br />A letter from B.W. and Leo Harris regarding a proposed meeting with the P&Z and <br />the Council was read. Mr. Cardinal moved that Messrs. B.W. and Leo Harris meet at <br />the same time as Mr. Kluglman on February 21 for a hearing on rezoning the SW quarter <br />of tl-e intersection of Co. Rd. 14 and 35E. Later on a special use permit for future <br />trailer park could be issued. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski, carried. The Clerk was <br />instructed to write a letter to B.W. and Leo Harris thanking them for their interest <br />and setting up the meeting. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved that the Council authorize the Attorney to check on the legality of <br />limiting the number of filling stations which may be built at a freeway intersection. <br />Seconded by Mr. Rosengren,carried. Mr. Rosengren also asked if we could limit in <br />like manner the number of motels or other to be built at an intersection, but no <br />action was taken on this. <br />On reading of a letter from Springsted, Inc., Mr. Bohjanen moved that we authorize <br />the payment of $250 for the preliminary feasibility study. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. <br />Carried. <br />Two letters from the State Hwy Dept were read; one stated that studies showed no need <br />for the installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Hwy 8 and Main St. <br />The other gave the Dept's plans to pave the shoulder from the 35W bridge along <br />Hwy 8 to Hwy 326 and paint double yellow 'no passing' lines on the same stretch <br />of road. Mr. Cardinal moved that the Clerk write a letter to the Hwy Dept informing <br />them that the Council agrees to these plans and urges the Dept to proceed as soon <br />as possible to complete these plans. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski, carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved that the Council grant the use of Sunrise Park on August 23-25, <br />1968, to the Citizen's Band Radio Club members provided that they show proof <br />of $100- 300,000 insurance and bond, that they pay a $25 fee, set up and clean up <br />all their equipment, etc. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen, carried. There will be approx. <br />2 -300 campers present, who will pay for their own electricity. They asked to <br />deputize four men as police (not allowed) and wished to have some local group set <br />up eating stands for the period. <br />Mr. Jaworski mentioned that the pressure shut -off switch on the water pump at <br />Sunrise Park was not working properly. Mr. Ludwig should check. Mr. Jaworski <br />moved that we have the floor fixed in the Lino Park warming house. Seconded by <br />Mr. Cardinal, carried. <br />The Park Board meeting minutes were read. <br />Mr. Bohjanen proposed that the new C&BDC Commission be comprised of the following <br />people: Mmes. Julia Faymoville, Audrey Tauer, Vivian Rehbein, Sally Michaud; <br />Messrs. Lee Robinson, Harold Hansen, John Wright, Clifford Ross, Charles Gottwaldt, <br />Irvin Zastrow, Ralph Nathe, William Houle, Carlo Sooger, Richard Carlson, Edward <br />Cegla, Westley Vaughan, Jerome Hauer, and Harold Lehman, Mr. Bohjanen stated that <br />Richard Lichtscheidl and Richard Zelinka had asked to be removed from the Com- <br />mission but that they would be glad to serve on its committees. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved that the Council accept these names as :ambers of the C&BDC, <br />seconded by Mr. Jaworski, carried. <br />
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