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02/13/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/13/1968 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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10 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council was called to order by Mayor <br />Ralph L'Allier at 8:09 P.M. on Feb. 13, 1968, with all members present. <br />The first order of business was the presentation of the 1967 Audit by Mr. Waldemar <br />Hill who had another commitment later in the evening. Mr. Hill made several com- <br />ments on the financial status of the Village and explained the foremat of the audit <br />report. He suggested that the Clerk keep an up -to -date file on all Village property <br />(Mr. Rosengren will help) and send a copy of this to him and to Mr. Ray for the <br />floater on the insurance policy. Also, since no money had been set.: aside for the <br />police car fund some of the certificates of deposit should be earmarked for this pur- <br />pose. Mr. Hill stated that the State required the Treasurer's books to analyze the <br />funds by codes. Mr. Bohjanen will ask El Rehbein & Son, Inc. to evaluate the park pro- <br />perties. Mr. Bohjanen expressed the Council's thanks for having the Audit Report <br />completed so early. <br />The minutes of the Jan. 22, 1968, meeting were read. Mr. Cardinal moved that we accept <br />the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved that the minutes of the special meeting of Jan. 29 be accepted. <br />Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved that we pay the first half installment of the Fire Contract with <br />Centerville for 1968 in the amount of $700. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />The Treasurer's report for January was read, showing a Jan. 31 balance of $4,453.07 <br />in the bank. Mr. Bohjanen moved that the Treasurer delete from the record of outstanding <br />checks check #933 written to Milner W. Carley & Assoc in the amount of $25 on Sept. <br />9, 1966, as the records show the amount credited to them but the check apparently late <br />lost. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal, carried. <br />A letter from Springsted, Inc. was read advising of a change of address. <br />Centerville sent a copy of a letter to Mr. Burman urging construction of a roadway <br />connecting Centerville Road and the road to the County Park. <br />An invitation to attend a public open house at the Anoka- Ramsey State Junior College <br />on Feb. 18 was read. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated that he had been inquiring on bids for a blanket position bond <br />for all Village personnel. Mr. James Ray, who had submitted the low bid of $385.50 <br />for a 3-yr. bond, was present to give details on such a bond, which would give $10,000 <br />coverage on every position except theClerk- Treasurer which would be in the amount of <br />$30,000. It would also include a faithful performance clause and collusion clause. <br />The Clerk will secure a list of applicants and submit a copy of same to the Personnel <br />Commission. (The Clerk's notary bond will not be included as the commission has been <br />issued and recorded.) <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved, after Mr. Ray's presentation, that the Clerk write a check in the <br />amount of $385.50 and have the papers signed by the Mayor immediately, that Mr. Ray will <br />bind coverage the next morning (Feb. 14) on a 3 -yr. blanket position bond with Auto - <br />Owner Ins. Co. to provide $10,000 coverage on all positions but the Clerk - Treasurer's <br />with $30,000 coverage. The Clerk will contact our Bank agent cancelling all other bonds. <br />Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried. <br />Mr. Bohjanen inquired whether the new entrance signs might be insured. Mr. Ray <br />replied that the cost would be 5% of the insurable value. Mr. Bohjanen will bring this <br />information before the C&BDC. <br />
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