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02/26/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/26/1968 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved that the CD Director, Ken Bryant, be authorized to complete the <br />second half of the CD certification test being offered by the U of M, the Dept. of <br />Army and the Minn. CD Dept., the cost of the total 4 -day course approximately to <br />be $53 per day, providing he submits a letter from his employer stating that these <br />would have been his wages for these specified days. Seconded by Mr.L'Allier.Carried. <br />The Clerk was instructed to get a calendar with spaces large enough to write in the <br />various meetings. <br />Mr. Bohjanen announced a meeting of the Rice Creek Association to be held at the <br />County Library on February 29 at 9 P.M. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to adjourn at 11 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />Minutes accepted at meeting of February 25, 1968 <br />Clerk <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council on Feb. 26, 1968, was called <br />to order at 8:11 PM by Mayor L'Allier with all members present. <br />Mr. Bohjanen made a motion, seconded by Mr. Cardinal, to accept the minutes of the <br />Feb. 13th meeting as corrected. Carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to accept the minutes of the special meeting held on Feb. 21 as <br />corrected. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />Letters from the State Hwy Dept., the Co. Hwy Dept., B.W; & Leo Harris Co., and the <br />League of Municipalities were read. <br />The Park Board minutes were read. Mr. Jaworski moved that the Council authorize Mr. <br />Rosengren to have the Road Dept. trim the trees in Sunrise Park. Seconded by Mr. <br />Cardinal. Carried. <br />A motion was made by Mr. Jaworski and seconded by Mr. Rosengren that the size of the <br />Park Board be increased from three to five members, and that the Board will continue <br />to function as an advisory body. Carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved that Mr. Dale Tresler and Mrs. Forrest Tagg be named to the Park <br />Board. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to write letters <br />to these new members and also to notify the present Park Board members of the change. <br />Mr. Jaworski reported that he had checked on the yard light at St. Joseph's Church <br />and was told that former mayor Domning had advised them that the Village would take <br />over the light. It was suggested that the light be moved out to the road. Mr. <br />Jaworski will check. <br />Mr. Bohjanen reported that he had talked with Ken Rehbein who will be glad to give <br />us an evaluation of the park properties if we will supply him with the necessary legal <br />and building descriptions. Mr. Jaworski will check on these and relay the information <br />to Mr. Bohjanen. <br />Mr. Bohjanen stated that the brochure committee of the C&BDC had been working on the <br />new business brochure which should be ready in two weeks. They are utilizing infor- <br />mation from similar brochures put out from other towns. <br />
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