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02/26/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/26/1968 Council Minutes
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12/23/2014 12:16:10 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 6 <br />Mr. Bohjanen and Mr. Rosengren will get together with Mr. Backlin to determine the <br />value of our street signs for the purpose of insuring them along with the entrance <br />signs. The cost will be $1.50 per $100 replacement value, this to be attached to <br />our insurance floater. <br />Also, Mr. Bohjanen mentioned that the information guides were at the printers. <br />A Village Hall key for Mr. Schwankl of Lino Lakes Mileage is available for his <br />convenience at Mr. Rosengren's. <br />1 <br />The Planning and Zoning Board minutes were read. The Clerk was asked to notify Mr. <br />Hubert Hammer that the special P&Z meeting set tp to hear him on Feb. 28 was cancelled <br />due to it being Ash Wednesday, and that they would hear him at the next regular <br />P&Z meeting on March 20th. <br />Mr. Rosengren mentioned that the electric underground wire at Sunrise Park was broken. <br />This will be fixed immediately. <br />Mr. Rosengren recommended that a 3550 -watt, 8 -hp generator at Tractor Supply priced <br />at $382, would be suitable for purchase by the CD unit which had previously re- <br />quested one. He was asked to contact other dealers for prices and also to consult <br />with the CD Director. <br />The State's final lighting diagrams for 35W met with Mr. Gotwald's and Mr. Rosengren's <br />approval. Mr. Gotwald stated that preliminary plans had been approved. Mr. Ros- <br />engren moved that the Village of Lino Lakes pass a resolution authorizing the State <br />of Minnesota Hwy. Dept. to construct the lighting facilities on 35W as set forth in <br />the diagrams and specifications, and as approved by Mr. Gotwald. Seconded by Mr. <br />L'Allier. Carried. <br />Mr. Rosengren stated that they were presently working on a cost estimate for Sunrise <br />Ave. He also suggested that the Village build some signs for posting notices and will <br />check on cost, etc. <br />Mr. Rosengren reported that he had talked with someone who was willing to donate his <br />chain saw and fuel for it if the Village will pay him wages and give him the wood <br />for cutting down the trees along Sunrise Ave.This met with the Council's approval. <br />Mr. Gotwald and Mr. Rosengren stated that the State's layout for signs along 35W was <br />okay with them. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved that the Village of Lino Lakes pass a resolution authorizing the <br />Minn. Hwy. Dept. to construct the highway signs in the Village as set forth in the <br />diagrams and based on the Engineer's okay. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried. <br />Mr. Gotwald presented two maps showing the status of all Village roads marked with <br />different colors to designate their status. He suggested that the maps be turned over <br />to the attorney to check the validity of existing roads. <br />Mr. Bohjanen made a motion that the Council authorize the Attorney to check out all <br />the roads marked in blue on the map, submitted by Mr. Gotwald, those designated as <br />"existing - -no record" and bring a report to the next meeting. Seconded by Mr. <br />Cardinal. Carried. <br />Mr. Gotwald also presented the three sets of plat maps made up by Milner W. Carley III <br />& Assoc., and suggested that covers of 1 /8" Masonite be made for them. Thereupon <br />Mr. Rosengren moved that we have covers of 1 /8" Masonite constructed for the plat <br />maps. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />
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