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04/08/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/08/1968 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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Mr. Jaworski, that this problem warrants study by the P&Z on April 17 and that the <br />Johnsons should bring detailed maps showing easements and distances to houses, etc. <br />Motion carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved that a letter should be written to the Alexjews, previous <br />owners of this land, sending them a copy of the ordinance and stating that the <br />Village will issue no building permits on such pieces of land not previously <br />presented to the Council and okayed. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />Mr. Locher stated that Mrs. Kuterling will speak on voter registration at the <br />April 22 meeting and had requested that she be put on the agenda early. Also, <br />Mr. John Norton, a member of the firm including Mr. Albertson, will send a copy <br />of the bill on prosecution by Village attorneys which may be taken over by the <br />county attorneys. <br />Mr. Locher had spoken with Mr. Oustigan of PERA who had told him that the amount <br />owing by the Village on employee deductions for 1965-66 must be paid before Dec. <br />of 1968 or there will be interest charged. <br />Mr. Locher read the covenants applied to the lots in Block 7 of Lexington Park <br />Lakeview. It appears that a person could get permission from everyone in the <br />subdivision to move in a commercial bldg; also the covenants could be challenged <br />as being outdated. <br />The preamble to the proposed mutual aid agreement was read by Mr. Locher, with <br />much discussion following. Mr. L'Allier suggested that this be studied closely <br />until the next meeting. Mr. Bohjanen commented that it seemed quite similar to <br />the unilateral agreement by the CD depts. The Clerk was instructed to contact <br />Mr. Ray, sending him a copy of the agreemnnt, to have him check on the cost of <br />insurance coverage on equipment and the liability in case of damage during use in <br />another village. <br />Mr. Locher handed out copies of the animal ordinance No. 21 of St. Francis, this <br />to be kept over until the next meeting. <br />Apparently a resolution as a petition to the Commissioner of Highways is necessary <br />in order to post a road at less than 30 mph. Baldwin Lake Road will stay at 20 mph <br />anyway. <br />Mr. Dennis Houle read the recommendation from the Road Study Board. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved that the recommendation of the Road Study Board be made a <br />part of the minutes. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried. The Clerk will male <br />copies to give the Council and the Road Study Board. (Recommendation after bills) <br />A copy of the colored-road map was given to the Building Inspector. <br />Mr. Cardinal made a motion that the Council go on record that, until in the event <br />changes are made, the building inspector will issue building permits only on prop- <br />erty which abuts existing Village roads. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />A copy of this will be sent to the P&Z. <br />The police report was as follows: 3 medical assists, 41 radio calls, 1 house call, <br />10 tickets, 5 accidents, 2 escapes from the welfare section of the Youth Center, <br />3 break-ins, mileage 1411 miles. Mr. Raymond put in 65 hr., Mr. West 73 hrs., <br />and Mr. Myhre 70 hours. <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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