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04/22/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/22/1968 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />i <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council was called to order on April <br />221 1968, at 8:08 PM by Mayor Ralph L'Allier with all members present. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved that the minutes be approved as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Car- <br />dinal. Carried. <br />Mrs. Kuderling from the League of Minnesota Municipalities was present to answer <br />questions on setting up voter registration. She stated that the cost of registration <br />for a municipality of 5000 pop. would run between $300 -$500 and gave answers to <br />questions on procedure as well as the amount of time prior to an election necessary <br />for the various stages of registration. Mrs. Kuderling was thanked for her help; <br />discussion followed with Mayor L'Allier stating that we should wait until next <br />year. Mr. Bohjanen made a motion that Lino Lakes take the necessary steps to <br />institute voter registration effective prior to the up- coming presidential election. <br />There was no second to the motion. Mr. Rosengren stated that since we would be <br />forced to institute it next year we should prepare this year by informing the voters <br />by passing out information to them at the next election. <br />The Clerk was asked to check whether the fire contract with Lexington was paid up- <br />to -date. <br />The Clerk reported that Mr. James Ray had stated verbally that any equipment which m <br />might be sent to another municipality under the mutual aid agreement was covered <br />fully to the amount of the policy wherever it might be sent. Mr. Bohjanen asked <br />that Mr. Ray give us a definite cost on insuring the entrance signs for replacement <br />cost of 3350.00. <br />A letter from Milner C Carley & Associates was read which discussed a proposed <br />study for sanitary sewer interceptor in the southeran part of Lino Lakes which would <br />also serve Centerville. Mr. Rosengren made a motion that we go on record auth- <br />orizing Milner W. Car] y & Assoc. to proceed with a preliminary plan on an inter- <br />ceptor for the souther part of Lino Lakes and Centerville with the understanding <br />that we work out the cast with Centerville with the percentage to be determined <br />at a later date; that the Engineers agree that we can pay the cost (not to exceed <br />&1,000) later as we see fit; that we consult with the Engineer to determine the <br />proper percentage share of the total cost with Centerville. Seconded by'Mr. Car- <br />dinal. Carried. <br />The subject of non- payment by Mr. Tom Anderson (Andall, Inc.) for 4 cul#erts in- <br />stalled last summer was brought up. Mr. Rosengren will talk to Mr. Anderson about <br />the problem. <br />Mr. Jaworski read the proposed amendment to the platting ordinance regarding de- <br />velopers donating land for recreational areas in new developments. The COuncil <br />and the P&Z would decide whether such developer could substitute cash for property. <br />Mr. Jaworski made a motion, seconded by Mr. Cardinal, that we turn over the proposed <br />amendment to Mr. Locher to write up as Ordinance 21-B. Carried. <br />Mr. Jaworksi asked the Clerk to send letters of thanks to the Happy Hustlers and <br />Lino Lakes 4 -H Clubs for the trees which they planted in Lino Park. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved that we adopt a resolution asking the Planning and Zoning Board <br />to give us a master plan for the zoning of the whole Village in the near future <br />preferably before the end of the year. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />
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