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04/22/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/22/1968 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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The Clerk was instructed to ask Commissioner Bob Burman whether the County <br />would install a light at the intersection of Co. Rd. 12 (Elm St.) and Sunset <br />Ave. Mr. Pete Scherer asked whether we might also inquire whether they would <br />install lights on 22nd Ave. at its intersection with Co. Rd. 14 (Main St.) <br />and also at the brifige on the North County Line on 22nd. The Clerk will.akk <br />Mr. Burman about these also. <br />Mr. Bohjanen stated that he had been asked by Lakeview residents whether any- <br />thing was being done on the Court case over natural gas with Circle Pines. Mr. <br />Locher said that he had talked Mr. Burstein who was going to bring up the <br />matter before the Circle Pines Council.. <br />Mr. Bohjanen also mentioned that the airport proposal was clouding up the water- <br />shed problem. Mr. L'Allier felt that the Anoka Co. Assn. of the League of Munic- <br />ipalities should set up a meeting with the adjoining communities to give Sen. <br />Greig sufficient information to draft back -up legislation on the Watershed. Mr. <br />Bohjanen will talk to the representatives of the communities involved. <br />Mr. Bohjanen made a motion to adopt the recommendation report of the Road Study <br />Board as a whole. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />P&Z minutes were read. Mr. Francis Burque withdrew his request for a variance for <br />10' strip of property for planting trees. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Johnson appeared again to ask for a building permit on their <br />property just off of Baldwin Lake Road. The Special Use Permit issued to Gordon <br />Stromberg to build on an adjoining lot in 1966 was read with the stipulations on <br />the back. Mr. Locher recommended that a variance would be needed to obtain a <br />roadway. The Johnsons were asked to appear before the P&Z on April 29th. <br />A letter from Mary A. Howard, president of Capitol Trailer Co., 325 W. Univer- <br />sity Ave., was read regarding the improvement of Baldwin Lake Trailer Court along <br />with enlarging it by adding 15 spaces on the north (former Lehman property) and <br />50 spaces on the south (John Nimiok property) if the Village would approve re- <br />zoning of the property to commercial and give her a Special Use Permit. Black- <br />top curbing and sidewalk would be added immediately; new spaces would be 40' by <br />80' and only new trailers permitted; a timetable for improvements and bonds, if <br />necessary, would be provided. Mr. Locher suggested that proposed plans be sub- <br />mitted to the Engineer and that she be present at the P&Z meeting on the 29th. <br />Mr. Rosengren stated that only maintenance work was being carried on regarding <br />the roads. <br />Mr. Looher stated that he had heard nothing on action on gas issue; there was no <br />agreement for dismissal yet. He is asking for copies of ordinances regarding off - <br />street parking for apartment bldgs. from the League. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved that we confirm the tax- forfeiture assessments on record and <br />authorize Mr. Cooher to sign the appropriate papers for the Village. Seconded by <br />Mr. Rosengren. Carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved that Lino Lakes adopt the Mutual Aid Agreement designating the <br />Mayor, the chief constable and the CD Director in that order to call for or to <br />send help. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to <br />send the signed agreement to the County Atty and see that the other participating <br />communities and county officials were notified of our signing the agreement. Alec <br />Clerk will ask Mr. Ray to send a letter confirming that he has read the agreement <br />and that our insurance coverage is adequate, also asking about workman's comp. <br />
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