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07/08/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/08/1968 Council Minutes
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12/23/2014 1:34:19 PM
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Council Minutes
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5 2 <br />Mr. L'Allier announced that Mr. Eidem, who was to have spoken that evening, had <br />injured his back and would attend the July 22 meeting. <br />The text of proposed Ordinance 21B doncerning donations of lands by developers <br />was read. After clarification of several points included, Mr. Jaworski moved <br />that Lino yokes adopt Ordinance Number 21B, amending Ordinance Number 21. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. Mr. Locher will take care of the publishment. <br />Mr. John McLean, member of the Personnel Commission, explained the facts and <br />figures, in the report showing cost of full- -time man, which had been presented <br />to the Council previously. He stated that the estimates had been set high in <br />case more funds might be required in a bad year for overtime, part -time help, <br />etc. In his opinion, a man hired as full -time maintenance man would become <br />knowledgeable enough in a few years to become foreman of the Village work force. <br />Wages had been figured on the basis of a man and one -half. After much discussion <br />on pros and cons of hiring a full -time man, purchase of a grader versus rental <br />of same, which should be done first and how to stretch the budget, Mr. Jaworski <br />moved that the matter be tabled with discussion to be resumed at a special meeting <br />on September 10 at 8 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />Mr. Andrew Dabasi, owner of Forest Lake Taxi, was present to request a permit to <br />operate an extra cab as a cruiser on Highway 8 in Lino Lakes to also serve <br />Centerville and Hugo and which would be dispatched by radio from Forest Lake. <br />Mr. Dabasi presented his permit issued by Forest Lake and stated that his rates <br />were those approved by the State. Since Lino Lakes has no ordinance covering <br />taxi service and requirements for same, samples had been requested from the <br />League. Mr. L'Allier stated the Council's appreciation for Mr. Dabasi's offer <br />and asked him to return on August 12 to work out an arrangement after Lino has <br />a chance to work up an ordinance. <br />Mr. Bohjanen reported that the C&BDC had not yet completed the survey of what <br />the local businessmen feel the Village should have, but they will present a <br />written report of this to the Council when finished. Brochure work is still <br />pending on recieving information from the Metropolitan Airport Commission. <br />. Robert A. Claggett, part -owner of Aqua Float Corporation, was present, <br />stating that they manufacture aircraft pontoons under a special use permit and <br />had plans for constructing a 40 x 50' building and a portable spray booth on <br />skids to be moved where needed, but had suspended alloperations until this <br />rezoning matter is cleared up. They had already used 25 loads of fill but there <br />still was too much water to allow the workers to park cars on the grass or to <br />haul out the old red truck which someone had complained about. Mr. Locher will <br />talk with Mr. Claggett's attorney to get the legal description in order to get <br />the rezoning underway immediately. <br />Mr. Rosengren inquired whether Lino Lakes was going to have the grass along <br />the roads cut. It was decided that Mr. Rosengren should check on wages versus <br />cost by job and that he should contact the County Highway Department to see if <br />they would cut the grass. <br />. Rosengren stated that the tractor and packer had been delivered for trial <br />and that the tractor was not worth purchasing but that the packer seemed okay <br />except for needing one tire and new wheel bearings. Also, Columbus had indicated <br />an interest in sharing the cost and use of the packer. Thereupon, Mr. Cardinal <br />moved that Mr. Rosengren be authorized to negotiate the purchase of the , eoad <br />packer and the necessary parts needed at a maximum amount of $350.00 and that <br />the cost be split evenly with Columbus Township. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. <br />Carried. <br />
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