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07/22/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/22/1968 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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57 <br />A three -party contract is drawn up among the State, Consultant and the Village. <br />The Village would hire their own consultant and should interview three or four <br />prospects to obtain one with a similar outlook of the community. The consultant <br />would work with the Planning Commission and report to the State about three times <br />a year. The Federal Government would not be involved except to pay their share <br />on a submission of invoice that the contract had been met. <br />Anoka County has almost 100 per cent saturation of professional planning and the <br />state even pays part of the county's share if recreation is emphasized. The <br />Planning Commission would have to be formed by ordinance which has already been <br />been done in Lino Lakes. <br />Mr. Eidem gave Mr. L'Allier a list of Professional Planners and W. L'Allier re- <br />quested the Clerk to make copies for all of the Council, the P&Z and the Park Board. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to authorize the Planning Board to invite W. Eidem to visit at <br />their next meeting, August 21, and explain planning to the members. Seconded by <br />Mr. Cardinal. Carried. Mr. Cardinal will contact Mr. Eidem again and all the <br />Board members. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to have the Clerk send copies of these minutes to the P&Z and <br />the Park Board. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />The Anoka County GOP chairwoman has asked for the number of election judges which <br />will be needed at the next election. Mr. Locher stated that this was a minimum of <br />three judges for the first 150 voters and one additional judge for every 150 voters, <br />with the number of voters based on the last general election. (1966 -- 777 voters) <br />1tr Jaworski announced that there had been no regular Park Board meeting in July <br />due to vacations. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to issue a bingo permit and a beer permit to St. Joseph's <br />Catholic Church for Sunday, August 11, 1968, in connection with their annual <br />chicken dinner. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried. <br />Mr. Bohjanen announced that there had been no CODC meeting since the last Council <br />meeting. He stated that he had received complaints from residents along Sunset <br />about chunks of blacktopping and other debris thrown into their yards from the road. <br />This is a county road and Commissioner Burman had been contacted about checking <br />into the matter. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to have the Clerk and the Police make a complete itemized list <br />of the costs to the Village of the Youth Center, which would cover all of 1967 <br />and up to the present time. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. Copies will be <br />sent to state senators, representatives, county commissioners, etc. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved that hereafter when there is a public hearing by two boards, the <br />first should be required to recess their meeting so that the second board may then <br />hold their hearing so that the person paying for the hearing is not required to sit <br />through the extended business of the first board. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />The matter of Park Dedication in the Blomquist Addition was discussed. Mr. <br />Bohjanen moved to waive the requirement that the developer dedicate 10 per cent <br />of the land to the Village for parks because the plat had been in the preliminaries <br />long before the ordinance was introduced and the hearing for the final plat had been <br />set before the Ordinance was passed, also because of the heavy traffic in the area <br />and the extremely small size of the plat. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Vote: Aye- - <br />Jaworski, Cardinal and Bohjanen. No-- Rosengren and L'Allier. Mr. L'Allier object- <br />ed to the reference of the timing and stated they should not start a precedent for <br />other developers. <br />
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