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08/12/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/12/1968 Council Minutes
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12/23/2014 1:37:25 PM
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Council Minutes
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.ir <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council on August 12, 1968, was <br />called to order at 8:07 p.m. by Mayor L'Allier with all members present. <br />The minutes of the July 22, 1968, meeting having been read, a motion by Mr. <br />Cardinal was made to accept these minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. <br />Carried. <br />Mr. L'Allier announced that Commissioner Robert Burman was present and asked for <br />his comments. Mr. Burman stated that he had personally looked at Sunset Avenue <br />boulevard along with the County Engineer and the City Engineer for Blaine. The <br />asphalt had been removed and black dirt had been put in and then seeded, with <br />work about completed. Mr. Burman had also met with E. J. Houle, Weed Inspector, <br />about the problem of the County not spraying the weeds along County roads <br />bordering the Village. Mr. Burman stated that he was not satisfied with County <br />work on its roads and had been pushing for better work. <br />Mr. Burman stated that one of his projects is to push for the construction of <br />a major County maintenance building for the Southeast corner of the County and <br />urged that Lino Lakes request the County to do this, as it would make the equip- <br />ment more readily available. <br />Also, Mr. Burman said that he was trying to work more roadwork for Lino Lakes <br />into the budgeting, and also that the County passes a resolution to present to <br />the Legislature concerning the Metro Council, he would see that we received a copy <br />since Mr. Burman is a strong advocate of strong local government. <br />Mr. Burman then proceeded to discuss the Rice Creeek Watershed problem with the <br />Council, passing out sheets showing what he thought should be done on the problem, <br />and asked that Lino Lakes give him some new resolution which could be incorporated <br />into the County minutes. Mr. Rosengren mentioned that the St. Paul Waterworks <br />has not treated us right because of the great monthly fluctuation of water level <br />Mr. Bohjanen felt that we should take a serious approach to the Conservation <br />Department to see if we can create a watershed. <br />Mr. Bohjanen informed Mr. Burman that there were several driveway, approaches <br />on Sunset which had a real high grade and asked whether this would be repaired. <br />Mr. Burman replied that persons affected should call him and Mr. Ruud, and that, <br />hopefully, the road will be put back as it was. <br />Mr. L'Allier inquired what the status of the East service road from 35E north now <br />was. Mr. Burman stated that the State has a contract, the County has been trying <br />to get a better job done; it looks as if the State will turn the road back either <br />to Lino Lakes or the County (more likely the County) and then the County will <br />have to take out the hill. <br />There was a question on the East County Line Road; the Anoka County Commissioners <br />have gone on record on this; they are trying to arrange a meeting with Washington <br />County to get something done, as this should be a county road. <br />Mr. Cardinal thanked Mr. Burman for the work the County has done on Birch Street <br />and asked whether the County would take it over all the way to Centerville Road; <br />this would depend on getting the fight of way and County policy is changing on <br />this procedure. <br />Mr. L'Allier thanked Mr. Burman for attending the meeting and giving us his <br />view points. <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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