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08/26/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/26/1968 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on August 26, 1968, <br />was called to order at 8:11 p.m.. Mayor Ralph L'Allier with all members present. <br />The minutes of the August 12 meeting were read and corrected. Mr. Jaworski moved III <br />to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />A letter from the League of Minnesota Municipalities was read concerning meetings <br />and workshops set up for municipal officials to discuss the Metropolitan Council's <br />preliminary sewer plan with the consulting engineers and Metro staff.Mayor L'Allier <br />indicated that he would like to attend. <br />The Clerk read the resolution which had been sent to Governor LeVander supporting <br />Mr. Bruce Nawrocki for the Metropolitan Transit Commission. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to accept the Clerk's appointment of Mrs. William Houle as the <br />Chief Election Judge and to authorize Mrs. Houle to be paid at the rate of $1.65 <br />per hour for accompanying the Clerk to a meeting with the County Auditor on Aug. <br />28th. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. Mr. Bohjanen thought that we should <br />not supercede our budget by increasing the hourly rate for the electbn judges. <br />The Primary Election is set for September 10th. <br />The Clerk announced that the money had been received from the State Treasurer for <br />the cigarette and liquor apportionments in the amount of some $5100.00. <br />Mr. L'Allier announced that Civil Defense Director, Kenneth Bryant, who had pre - <br />viously indicated his resignation, would step down from that post effective Aug. <br />27, 1968. Thereupon, Mr. L'Allier appointed Mr. Charles Cape, a capbble and <br />dedicated Civil Defense member, to be the new Civil Defense Director effective <br />August 27, 1968. Mr. Cardinal moved to ratify the appointment of Mr. Cape as <br />Civil Defense Director. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. The Clerk was <br />instructed to send a letter of notification to Mr. Cape and to write a letter <br />of thanks to Mr. Bryant for his services as director. <br />Mr. L'Allier announced that the next police -mayor meeting would be September 3 <br />at 7:30 p.m. at the Hall. He also announced that the next meeting of the Assoc- <br />iation of Municipalities would be on August 31 at Coon Rapids and that they were <br />considering hiring a half -time executive secretary for the organization. <br />A ribbon - cutting ceremony for the opening of I -35W will be held on September 4 <br />at 2 p.m. on the boundary point of Blaine and Lino Lakes with Mayors Ramsdell <br />and L'Allier officiating at the cutting. Dignataries expected are Governor <br />LeVander or the Lieutenant Governor, the State Highway Commissioner and the <br />Secretary of State. The freeway will be opened to traffic latter in the day <br />or the next morning up to Highway 8. The press was invited. <br />Mr. L'Allier announced the Civil Defense firearms safety course to be held at <br />Sunrise Park commencing Thursday, August 29 on consecutive Tuesdays and Wednes- <br />days for those 12 years (or within one month of 12) or older. <br />The P&Z minutes wereread of the August 21 meeting. Mr. Cardinal asked Mr. Locher <br />whether the narrow width of Aqua Lane would make any difference on the rezoning <br />of Mr. Claggett's property and received the answer that there only need be access. <br />Mr. Locher stated that he had spoken with the son of the deceased man to whomc> the <br />easement is listed and was told that the easement had been turned over to the <br />Countyin the forties; however no such documents have been located and until <br />such are found the Village can assume Aqua Lane should be a cartway easement <br />of 66 feet. <br />
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