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08/26/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/26/1968 Council Minutes
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1 <br />Mr. L'Allier then called the hearing for Mr. Claggett to order. Mr. Claggett <br />stated that he would be glad to donate the 15' easement necessary to get a 66' <br />road, but he didn't know if the owner of the land across the street would. No <br />other parties wished to speak on the rezoning. <br />Mr. L'Allier questioned Mr. Claggett on reaching an understanding about garbage <br />pickup, off - street parking, a power line lying on the ground (the power company <br />will bury this as soon as the ground is dry enough; it had been struck by light- <br />ning twice), and hooking up of the well and septic tank. Mr. Claggett stated <br />that he would take care of these items es soon as the rezoning is final but he <br />wasn't going to spend a cent on the place before that. <br />Mr. Cardinal then moved to adopt Ordinance Number 6J, amending Ordinance number <br />6, Section 3, there -by rezoning to commercial the following described property: <br />That part of Government Lot 4, Section 20, Township 31 North, Range 22 West, <br />Anoka County, Minn. lying South of Village Road now known as Aqua Lane and <br />lying Easterly and Southerly of Rice Creek and lying West of the following <br />described line: Commencing at the intersection of the Southerly line <br />of said Aqua Lane and the East line of Bovernment Lot 4; thence Westerly <br />along the Southerly / (, /} '6 / ( x / %00/ 0W/pfaMSxiai / line of Aqua <br />Lane 463 feet to the point of beginning; thence Southerly ar right angles <br />500 feet; more or less, to the shore of Rice Lake and there terminating. <br />having on hand the required affidavits of posting and publishing of the hearings. <br />Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. L'Allier moved that we authorize the above rezoning with the understanding <br />that Mr. Claggett does as he indicated he would concerning trash, parking off the <br />street except when spring weather won't permit, repairing of the power line and <br />hooking up of the well and septic tank. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />The hearing was adjourned. <br />Mr. Cardinal stated that he had received a copy of Blaine's trailer ordinance. <br />Mr. L'Allier will secure more copies for the Council. <br />Mr. Cardinal mentioned the form to be filled out at the September 5 meeting with <br />the Planning and Zoning Board and that all the Council should have ideas to pre- <br />sent at this time. <br />Mr. Dennis Houle suggested that a footage limit on the depth of a roadway off a <br />Village street be limited so that we wouldn't have these long driveways which <br />eventually get built up on and present many future problems. <br />Mr. Cardinal recommended that we ask Mr. Gotwald to be present at the September 5 <br />meeting and was told to invite him. After that meeting Mr. Eidem will be asked <br />back to tell us how to go about interviewing planning consultants. <br />Mr. Jaworski mentioned that Mr. Eugene Broker was having difficulties in attending <br />the Personnel Commission meetings and that he had resigned on that basis. Mr. <br />Jaworski therefore moved that Mrs. Ruth Rector be appointed to the Personnel Com- <br />mission to replace Mr. Broker. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. The Clerk <br />was instructed to write Mrs. Rector and Mr. Broker accordingly. <br />The Road Study Board minutes were read. The Road Study Board had considered the <br />ordinance of Coon Rapids concerning taxicabs and Mr. Jaworski went over it with <br />the Council recommending changes in the amounts of insurance coverage, requiring <br />the drivers to wear a cap and badge, etc. <br />
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