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in case of problems invite her to the next Council meeting. Mr. Bohjanen <br />stated that her purchase of Harold Lehman's property had been completed. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked that Slow- children sign be put up on Linda Street per re- <br />quest of residents. Mr. Rosengren stated that it would be done soon;; also <br />they may have no time to do the planned work on Linda besides putting in two <br />culverts there. <br />Mr. Locher stated that he had written to Lindberg Construction concerning 64th. <br />Mr. Gotwald said that the outfit has a new supervisor and nothing has been done. <br />Mr. Gotwald will call Mr. Bob Allen of Lindberg to tell him that unless Lindberg <br />completes the work immediately, the Village crew will go in on Monday and bill <br />Lindberg for the work. <br />Mr. Locher stated that notices of candidacy filing dates must be posted by <br />September 14th. <br />Mr. Locher produced photocopies of the deed stubs on highway easement forms <br />concerning the town road intersecting Baldwin Lake Road. For the most part these <br />were obtained from Mr. Hilton in January of 1952 and filed on March 30, 1954. <br />He also reread the letter from Mr. Lundheim on the matter; and stated that he had <br />talked with the County Attorney who hasn't had time to work on it. After dis- <br />cussion it was decided that the road could be turned over to the Village after <br />formal vacating, but will have to wait and see. <br />Mr. Rosengren questioned whether we should vacate the short strip of road on <br />the East shore of Rondeau Lake Road. As we have not maintained it we have <br />nothing to worry about. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated that he and Mr. Gotwald had attended a Metro Council re- <br />ferral meeting on the application of Forest Lake and Hugo for sewer construc- <br />tion and sewage treatment systems. Forest Lake wants to build a plant to dis- <br />charge additional effluent into the Sunrise River and Hugo wants to build a plant <br />to discharge effleunt into Peltier Lake. Forest Lake had inquired about building <br />an interceptor from County Road J to Forest Lake. Apparently Dick Sha of NSSSD <br />had stated that there was capacity for both in the present lines good until 2000. <br />Mr. L'Allier moved that we send a letter to the Metro Council suggesting that <br />they undertake whatever studies are necessary to determine which would be more <br />feasible, discharging the sewage of Oneka and Hugo to White Bear Lake system <br />as opposed to the NSSSD system and that they consider studies made on this. <br />(File #163, 171 and 200) Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />Mr. Rosengren moved that we authorize Mr. Gotwald to attend a brief Metro Council <br />meeting this Thursday to present the Village sewer studies to look into, and <br />state that we would not partake in this plan financially. Seconded by Mr. <br />Bohjanen. Carried. Mr. Bohjanen stated that Lino Lakes should attend NSSSD <br />meetings so we can watch NSSSD closely and fill them in on our thoughts. Lino <br />Lakes' not joining gives more unused capacity in the line for someone elses <br />benefit. <br />Mr. L'Allier presented a letter received from the Conservation Department asking <br />us to pass a resolution setting up a bow and arrow season in the Village and <br />publicising the same. After discussion and reading of Ordinance 27, it was de- <br />cided that bow and arrow hunting was not prohibited. Mr. L'Allier did not see <br />asking more hunters into the Village as there are many local hunters. Mr. <br />Cardinal mentioned that lots of people are hunting deer with slugs and this is <br />illegal here. There is also the law against trespassing to be considered. <br />