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09/24/2014 Environmental Board Minutes
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Environmental Board
09/24/2014 Environmental Board Minutes
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5/5/2022 10:42:10 AM
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12/29/2014 10:41:52 AM
Environmental Board
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Env Bd Minutes
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Evironmental Board <br />September 24, 2014 <br />Page 2 <br />The project site is approximately 2.40 acres, and is located on 77th Street West. The <br />proposed development will be a 39 unit senior living facility. <br />Recommendations <br />1. Submitted SWPPP must be site specific and complete meeting all of the <br />requirements of the Minnesota Pollution Control requirements for NPDES permit <br />issuance. <br />2. Provide a Tree Preservation Plan <br />3. Research and/or find the well point located in the USGS database for this <br />property. Protect the well if the well is to be used, or properly seal the well if it is <br />to be abandoned. <br />4. Landscape Plan must clarify and differentiate landscape plant symbols that are too <br />similar to discern. The East side of the project must provide adequate screening. <br />5. Plant Blue Grama, a native grass in the infiltration pond depression, add more <br />open space plant requirements in this area, and plant several formal, evenly <br />spaced, mulched flowering gardens at the top of the berm. <br />6. Provide a path and bench to the pond area for residents to use. <br />7. Submit a maintenance plan for the infiltration pond <br />Comments -none <br />Ms. Andrzejewski made a MOTION to approve with the recommendations of the <br />Environmental Board the Motion was seconded by Mr. Heiskary. <br />B. Matttamy Homes/Watermark <br />This is a Concept Plan review of a propose mater planned development to be built on 372 <br />acres. The site is located between Count Road 21 and Highway 35E, just north of County <br />Road 14. The development is proposed to consist of 876 units, made up of attached row <br />townhouses and detached single family homes on various lot sizes. <br />1. Address the focus issues of the AUAR. Address the AUAR Mitigation Plan in <br />the preliminary plat design and submittal materials <br />2. Incorporate Conservation Design Framework imposed by the AUAR to mitigate. <br />Potential impacts to ecologically sensitive areas <br />3. Design Stormwater management plan with a Treatment -Train approach <br />4. Provide a noise Analysis and Mitigation Plan <br />APPROVED MINUTES <br />
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