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09/23/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/23/1968 Council Minutes
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12/29/2014 11:14:39 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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i <br />1 <br />1 <br />79 <br />Mr. Jaworski then asked the Council what they thought of buying a one -acre lot <br />(possibly getting a donation) to equip for a small park, in the area of Orange <br />and Maple Streets. The cost of equipping one of these with a swing, slide, and <br />two Saddlemates plus a merzy.go -round would run about $800.00. Mr. Bohjanen men- <br />tioned that if the 30 acres on Main Street are purchased there would be recreational <br />area there, but he thought it should be looked into. Mr. L'Allier thought that we <br />could look into the matter in conjunction with Centerville and perhaps select three <br />or four sites. <br />The minutes of the September 18 Planning and Zoning meeting were read. Mr. Cardinal <br />asked Mr. Locher about a request of Mr. Cecil LaMotte concerning a roadway across <br />St. Paul Waterworks property south of Centerville Lake. Mr. LaMotte wished a var- <br />iance to build a house on Lot 1, Block 1, of LaMott's Second Additon which is situated <br />on the end of a roadway, a portion of which was accepted by Lino Lakes. He plans <br />to put in blacktop streets to be assessed to the landowners. Mr. Locher stated that <br />the !quest seemed in order. Copies of the warranty deed and an agreement with the <br />purchaser were read. <br />Mr. Cardinal then moved to grant a variancelto Mr. Cecil LaMotte for Lot 1, Block; 1, <br />of LaMotte's Second Addition, providing that Mr. LaMotte supplies a copy of the <br />purchaser's agreement and copy of the plat map to be attached to the minutes. Sec - <br />onded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Cardinal stated that an option had been signed with Mr. William Waldoch for a <br />fee of $100.00 which will hold the property until December 31, 1969. Terms of the <br />purchase would be $1000.00 down and payment of $1200.00 per year at five per cent <br />interest. Mr. L'Allier instructed the Clerk to send a letter to Mr. Waldoch thank- <br />ing him for his generous terms for the Village. He also thanked Mr. Locher and Mr. <br />Cardinal for their good work in securing the option so quickly. <br />After some discussion of Mr. Dick Olson's trailer and basement Mr. Cardinal moved <br />to authorize Mr. Locher to write to Dick Olson informing him that he cannot live in <br />the basement without a permit and to invite him to come before the Council for a <br />permit, stating his intentions and giving a time limit until the house can be com- <br />pleted. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />It was stated that Mrs. Rose LeTourneau had moved in a garage without a permit. <br />Mr. Dupre was instructed to inspect said garage before the next meeting <br />The scheduled meeting between the Council and the Planning and Zoning Board was reset <br />for October lat 8 p.m. for the continuation of the zoning map work. <br />The addition of hard -core youths to the Youth Center was discussed. Mr. L'Allier <br />read from the Corrections Commissioner's report the definitions of "hard- core" and <br />Youthful offenders ". He also stated that the capacity of the "B" building for youth - <br />ful offenders was only 50 due to addition of recreational facilities in the building <br />but that 65 persons were in as of September 16th. <br />After considerable discussion Mr. Bohjanen moved to send a letter to the Appropriations <br />Committee, Gary Flakne., chairman, giving them the costs we have sustained due to <br />break -outs from the Youth Treatment Center with copies to Senator Tom Greig and Gov- <br />ernor LeVander. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />Mr. L'Allier then moved to send a letter to Corrections Commissionep Keve objecting <br />to the over - populating by 15 people of the "B" Building at the Youth Center, since <br />the original capacity was 75, but had been reduced to 50 due to the addition of <br />
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