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09/26/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/26/1968 Council Minutes
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12/29/2014 11:21:34 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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her to put in 20 hours per week at the Hall besides meetings in 1969. The <br />Clerk estimated that she would put in a minimum of 89 hours per month and <br />should receive as much if not more than the Deputy Clerk per hour. However, <br />it was decided that the Clerk would receive $200 per month, a raise of $50 <br />per month in 1969. <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of October 14, 1968, <br />(Clerk-Treasurer <br />The meeting to finalize the 1969 budget in order to get it into the County <br />Auditor and to discuss the feasibility of hiring a full-time man was held on <br />September 26, 1968. The meeting was called to order at 9:40 p.m. by Mayor <br />L'Allier with all members present. <br />W. Jaworski moved to waive the regular requirements of prior notice for the <br />meeting. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried. <br />Estimated Estimated Add or Deduct Balance <br />Disburse- Receipts other From Reserve to be <br />Fund ments 'Than Levy Balance Levied <br />General $34,500 $27,500 $ 7,000 <br />Fire Protection 4,915 4,915 <br />Civil Defense 1,000 1,000 <br />Gopher Control 500 200 300 <br />Parks and Playgr. 6,275 6,275 <br />Roads and Bridges 41,600 10,000 31,600 <br />Debt Redemption ..241QQ $2,100 <br />TOTALS $90,890 $37,700 $2,100 $51,090 <br />Amount to be levied--48.20 mill rate. Estimated Assessed Valuation $1,060.00. <br />Mr. Dennis Houle stated that no reduction in the Hospital levy was expected. <br />There was some discussion over trying to hold to last year's levy of 45.41 mills. <br />It was observed however that the rate had dropped from the 1964 levy of 52.37 mills. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved that the 1969 budget be approved as set. Seconded by W. <br />Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />The Personnel Committee's previous cost-wage report was passed out again for perusal. <br />The Ryan Company representative was present to reiterate their offer on a new grader <br />and to answer any questions on same. <br />There was much discussion with the audience on such problems as having a suitable <br />place to park a grader, having more than one man capable of running such a machine, <br />costs and wages. <br />Mr. Rosengren estimated that it would cost about $30,800 to prime and seal the <br />following roads in 1969: 62nd, Baldwin Lake Road, Linda and Laurene, 74th, 4th, <br />Pine, Rondeau Lake Road both east and west, 77th, 80th, Holly east and west, 12th, <br />4th, south of 35W and a short piece east of Rondeau Lake Road. He didn't see <br />how we could afford a grader besides paying for this work and felt everything <br />was.okay the way it is. <br />
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