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Mr. Bohjanen thought it would be better to check on costs of graders with <br />neighboring communities first. Mr. Scherer accused him of stalling which <br />Mr. Bohjanen denied. <br />The Ryan Company ,wished to have an answer immediately as this would be their <br />prime selling season for graders, however the offer was extended until Jan. <br />1, 1969; the machine could be leased out three months earlier with payments <br />held off until after January first. It was decided to take the matter under <br />advisement untill the next Council meeting on October 14 when we would have <br />a definite answer for the Ryan Company. W. L'Allier thanked them for attending. <br />Motion to adjourn at 10:55 made by W. Bohjanen and seconded by Mr. Cardinal. <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of October 14, 196 <br />lerk- Treasurer <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on October 14, 1968 <br />was called to order at 8 p.m. by Mayor L'Allier with all members present. A <br />large crowd was in attendance. <br />The minutes of the September 23, 1968, regular meeting were read. Mr.. Jaworski <br />moved to accept these minutes as corrected. Seconded by W. Rosengren. Carried. <br />1 <br />Minutes from the budget meetings were read along with the minutes of September <br />26 special meeting to accept the budget and to discuss the feasibility of hiring <br />a fulltime man. W. Cardinal moved to accept these minutes as corrected. Second-ill <br />ed by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />Two letters from Mr. Busch, Attorney representing the Anoka Land and Cattle <br />Company were read along with an answer to the first by the Clerk. Mr. Busch <br />was trying to arrange special meetings with the Council and the Planning and <br />Zoning Board so that building permits for model homes on the first subdivision <br />on Reshanau Lake could be obtained and foundations started before the frost <br />sets in. However, the Engineers preparing the preliminary plat had been de- <br />layed; therefore W. Busch will meet with the Council at their regular meeting on <br />October 28th. A special meeting of the P&Z was tentatively planned for Oct. 29th. <br />A letter from NSSSD was mentioned but not read as each Council member had re- <br />ceived a copy. Mr. Christensen, Clerk for NSSSD, reiterated all correspondence <br />which had passed from them to us since their existence in 1961 and stated that <br />Lino Lakes had made no engineering reports to them nor had ever become a member; <br />therefore we have no reserved capacity in their lines and that the Mayor was <br />in error in his remarks at a recent hearing. W. Jaworski moved that the Clerk <br />and Engineer reply to NSSSD, acknowledging the letter. Seconded by W. Cardinal <br />Carried. <br />Affidavits of publication for Ord. No. 6K were received ;; a questionaire on <br />fluoridation from Minnesotans for Safe Water Supplies; a Data -log from the <br />Metro Council showed the estimated population of Lino Lakes on April 1, 1968 <br />to be 3,246 and the estimated persons per occupied housing unit at 4.36. <br />The first fines from Anoka County Municipal Court ($75) had been received. <br />An answer from Paul W. Keve Corrections Commissioner was read, stating that <br />the capacity of the "B" Building at the Treatment Center was 94, although <br />they don't care to put more than fifty or sixty boys in it at one time. <br />