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97 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on November 25, 1968 <br />was called to order by Mayor L'Xllier at 8:12 p.m. with all members present except <br />Mr. Cardinal. <br />The minutes of the November 12, 1968 meeting were read and corrected with the following: <br />Page 1, paragraph 9, added at end--This acceptance in no way implies that permits for <br />model homes can be issued. Page 2, paragraph 2, 440 Mr. L'Allier stated that Mr. Hill <br />had indicated that having deficit balances in the funds posed no problem and was ac- <br />ceptable in practice. Mr. Locher said that transfers could be made at the end of the <br />year and that this posed no legal problems. Page 2, paragraph 9 -- add the work 'tax' <br />before forfeit. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated thatuembers of the Planning and Zoning Board had complained that <br />they had had no chance to see the corrected Jandric plat before the Council had ac- <br />cepted it. He then read from Section 5, page 41 of the code book and stated that the <br />P&Z would have opportunity to see it before the final plat was acted upon. Mr. Rosen- <br />gren then moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />The Planning and Zoning Board minutes of November 20 were read. <br />Mr. Richard Freitag of Anderson-Freitag, Inc., Real Estate and Mr.Molin of Concrete <br />Products Company (Flexicore) were present to request a rezoning of some 55 acres at <br />the corner of Lilac and Fourth to commercial in order that Mr. Molin could set up a <br />new plant at that site. To the question of a dust problem they replied that any dust <br />could be expected to settle within 30 minutes of the cement being dumped and that it <br />would stay confined to their property unless there was a strong wind. Broken pieces <br />unuseable would be piled up and hauled out once yearly. There would be no noise outside <br />the building. The plant which should be ready by fall, would eventually phase out the <br />present operation and is a brand new set-up. The building to be started will be 160' <br />by 100' by 20' high and will have a septic tank and well system for employees. Mr. <br />Dennis Houle stated that this was the type of business which we need. It will be nec- <br />essary for Molin to check with the State Highway Department as to the load limits and <br />the Engineer will require soil tests. They were informed of the rezoning costs and <br />acknowledged same. <br />Mr. Jaworski then moved that public hearings be set for Mr. Molin for rezoning as <br />follows: the Planning and Zoning Board will hear him on December 18 and the Council <br />will conduct a hearing on December 23rd. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />Mr. Kenneth Wahl, field supervisor for the Rural Cooperative Power Association of Elk <br />River was present to request a 75 foot easement for a 230 KV line to cross the Lino <br />Park property. This would be carried on single pole steel towers 85' high, giving <br />26-27' clearance, Therer.was much discussion of such lines following property lines, <br />raising the clearance, lowering property values, possibility of selling this commercial <br />property in the future, running the line under-ground and switchover of power in case <br />of emergency. Mr. Wahl stated that the line was running from Coon Rapids to a step- <br />down substation at Hugo and then to Rush City. This would be inter-connected with <br />NSP and Minnesota Power and Light Company. Since Mr. L'Allier strongly opposed the <br />easement as proposed and thought that RCPA should try to come up with an alternative <br />route Mr. Rosengren moved that the matter be turned over to the P&Z on December 18 and <br />back to the Council on December 23rd. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dohmen requested a variance on a lot less than 2 1/2 acres on Peltier <br />Lake, Mr. Locher examined the maps closely, mentioning that the legal description might <br />be affected if the St. Paul Waterworks should sell their waterfront holdings. The P&Z <br />had previously approved tha request. Mr. Jaworski moved to grant Mr. and Mrs. Leo <br />Dohmen a variance upon the property having the following legal description: <br />