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That certain part of Lot six (6), in Auditor's Subdivision Nt.. 55, Anoka <br />County, Minnesota, and being a part of Government Lot one (1), in Section <br />eleven (11), Township thirty -one (31), Range twenty -two (22), described <br />as follows, to -wit: <br />Beginning at the Northeast corner of aforesaid Lot six (6), thence <br />West along the North line thereof for Ninety -three End five- tenths (93.5) <br />feet; thence South five degrees (5 °) Forty -nine minutes (49') West, along <br />the westerly line of a public road, for One hundred (100) feet to the point <br />of beginning of the tract hereby described; thence West, parallel with the <br />North line of said Lot six (6) for one hundred thirty -six (136) feet to the <br />Easterly line of land held by the St. Paul Water Department; thence South <br />Eighteen degrees (18 °) Sixteen minutes (16') East, along said line, for <br />Thirty -four and five tenths (34.5) feet; thence South Six degrees (6 °) <br />Sixteen minutes (16') East, continuing along said Water Department line <br />for sixty -seven and thirteen - hundredths (67.13) feet; thence East one <br />hundred seven and seventy -three hundredths (107.73) feet to the Westerly <br />line of a public road; thence North. five degrees (50) Forty -nine minutes (49) <br />East, along said road line for One hundred (100) feet to the point of beginning. <br />Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carriied unanimously. <br />Mr. Roy Stanley requested a variance upon a one -acre parcel on 77th Street to be <br />split equally in two. There was discussion on the roadway which is entirely on his <br />property. Mr. Stanley has given a 50' roadway easement for development of the road. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to grant a variance to Mr. Roy Stanley on the lot having the <br />following legal description: <br />TRACT 1. That part of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of <br />Section 8, Township 31, North, Range 22 West, and that part of Lot 15 of <br />Auditor's Subdivision No. 134, Anoka County, Minnesota, described jointly <br />as follows: <br />Commencing at the northeast corner of the S 1 /2 -SE 1/4 of Section 8, <br />thence west, along the north line of the S 1 /2 -SE 1/4, a distance of 1276.35 <br />feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing west, along the north line <br />of the S 1/2, SE 1/4, a distance of 104.35 feet; thence south, deflecting <br />to the left 90 degrees, a distance of 233 feet, thence east, deflecting to <br />the left 90 degrees, a distance of 104.35 feet; thence north, deflecting to <br />the left 90 degrees, a distance of 233 feet to the point of beginning, con - <br />taining 0.56 acre, more or less, and subject to a 50 foot easement lying <br />south of and adjacent to the north line thereof. <br />TRACT 2. That part of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of <br />Section 8, Township 31, North, Range 22 West, Anoka County, Minnesota <br />described as follows: <br />Commencing at the northeast corner of the S 1/2 - SE 1/4 of Section 8; <br />thence west, along the north line of the S 1 /2 -SE 1/4, a distance of 1172 <br />feet to the point of beginning, thence continuing west, along the north line <br />of the S 1 /2 -Se 1/4, a distance of 104.35 feet; thence South, deflecting to <br />the left 90 degrees, a distance of 233 feet, thence east, deflecting to the <br />left 90 degrees, a distance of 104.35 feet; thence north, deflecting to the <br />left 90 degrees, a distance of 233 feet to the point of beginning, containing <br />0.56 acre, more or less, and subject to a 50 -foot easement lying south of <br />and adjacent to the north line thereof, <br />stating that this is a proper roadway having been built by the township and maintain <br />since 1956. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />1 <br />1 <br />