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12/09/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/09/1968 Council Minutes
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Mr. Jaworski reported that the next Park Board meeting would be December 16th. <br />Mr. Bohjanen stated that the final brochure meeting of the C&BDC would be held <br />this week; also they expected printing costs for the brochure to run about $300. <br />The C&BDC was presently studying the Minnesota Plumbing Code - -Mr. Bohjanen will <br />bring a recommendation to the next meeting. <br />Mr. Rosengren reported that the snowfence was up; Mr. Baeklin had done as much <br />as possible on the Lakeview drainage problem for the present. Mr. Rosengren <br />stated that he had talked to the County Highway Department on the bill we had <br />received and understood that it was for salt and some 45 yards of sand purchased <br />from the County as well as a 14' piece of 24" culvert, also some grading and <br />plowying (15Hours) on 64th. He hadn't received the final figures on this but <br />expected to have them by the next meeting. Mr. L'Allier mentioned that we should <br />be sure that the County plows Harold Hansen's road. <br />Mr. Rosengren then stated that Roads and Bridges needed the following items: <br />a large floor jack, an air compresser and a new pickup truck. He also requested <br />that the road crew be paid before Christmas- -the Clerk stated that the checks <br />would be ready on December 23rd. <br />Mr. Gotwald stated that the thorourghfare map would be finished this month and <br />that the proposed zoning maps should be ready by the second meeting in January. <br />He had given our sewer reports before the Metro Council who will have their <br />preliminary report ready by the first of the year. The Forest Lake line will <br />either be hooked up thru NSSSD or White Bear Lake. The letting of bids on 35W <br />have been set back until after July, 1969, so it is unlikely that any paying will <br />be done before 1970. Mr. Gotwald will have copies made of the existing zoning <br />map, a reduction of which will grace the cover of the C&BDC brochure. <br />Crystal Ahlman, representing North Northeast Realty (El Rehbein) came forward <br />to ask why Lino Lakes doesn't advertise the Village more and to query the Council <br />as to the availability of industrial zoning, municipal swer and water for same <br />and the possible date for same. She stated that they had many requests to buy <br />industrially zoned property in Lino Lakes and that the need for water was the <br />greatest. She was informed of the plans of the CO DC and the sewer and water <br />studies which have been made in Lino and also of the areas which are presently <br />being considered as to be rezoned to industrial. An industrial park might have <br />its own water system. <br />The Council looked over the existing zoning map and approved. Copies will be <br />made for the Planning Commission, etc. <br />Dennis Houle asked whether the cutback on 35E work was entirely due to lack of <br />funds or whether the grade actually was ready for paving. Mr. Gotwald assured him <br />that it was a lack of funds. <br />Mr. Locher read the concluding statements from the decision in the Rolland <br />Johnson case which had been dismissed, thus favoring the Village. A copy will <br />be placed in the file as well as given to the Planning and Zoning Board for <br />their use. <br />Mr. Locher also stated that he was having County Attorney Bob Johnson check the <br />status of the roadways known as Baldwin Lake Road running along Baldwin Lake and <br />deeded to the County. <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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