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02/10/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/10/1969 Council Minutes
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12/29/2014 12:26:21 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1` 5 <br />v <br />Mr. L'Allier suggested that a professional planner be invited to each meeting in <br />March to consider our planning so far; such planner if hired to be hired on a per <br />diem basis. Mr. L'Allier moved to authorize the Clerk to contact and invite plan- <br />ners to both meetings in March. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. Mr. Gotwald <br />will suggest names. He stated that it might be better to get someone who has not <br />done work in the area, as they simply substitute figures from other municipalities <br />rather than working out those for ours. Mention was made of all the work Midwest <br />Planners has done locally. <br />Mx. L'Allier reported on the Minnesota League of Municipalities meeting at which <br />Dean Lund had spoken on the two bills presented to the Legislature: that of the <br />1 1/2 .% gross income tax in the Metro area and that of the wheelage tax of 50% <br />of the license fee. After discussion Mr. L'Allier moved that the Council go on <br />record opposing the 1 1/2 % gross income tax proposal, mentioning that we object <br />also to the 50% wheelage charge proposal. The Mayor and the Clerk will work out <br />a resolution to send to all county legislators. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen Carried. <br />Mr. L'Allier also reported that he attended a Saturday meeting of the Association <br />at which was presented the Metropolitan sewer and Zoo legislative proposals, by Mr. <br />James Hetlund and Mr. Dennis Dunne. Mr. L'Allier then proceeded to read parts of the <br />report on Metro- Sewer, Zoo and Open Space. It was obvious that the Metro Council, <br />an appointed body, was asking for too much power in each of these operations. Mr. <br />L'Allier stated that it was his belief that the problem of fiscal disparity between <br />the different municipalities should have been solved before any other. The next <br />legislative meeting of the Association on February 22 will concern fiscal disparities. <br />(Postponed until March 1.) <br />Mr. Cardinal moved that the Rural Cooperative Power Association easement as corrected <br />be accepted, and the Clerk and Mayor be authorized to sign the same. Seconded by Mr. <br />Rosengren. Vote: No—Mr. Jaworski; Aye—Mr. Cardinal, Mr. Rosengren, Mr. Bohjanen, <br />and Mr. L'Allier. Mr. Jaworski still objected to the location of the easement. There <br />was comment that the damages of $1000 was too low. <br />The police report for January: Mileage- -1633 miles, 3 cars removed for snow plowing, <br />3 complaints, 5 escapees from the Youth Center taking 34 minutes, 10 license checks, <br />of abandoned cars, 3 motorists helped, 1 report of stolen property, 2 stolen auto- <br />mobiles, both recovered, 5 snowmobile complaints, 1 medical assist, 2 burglar alarms <br />and 2 cars towed away as traffic hazards. <br />Mr. Locher mentioned that the lot in Lakeview had been purchased for ponding area <br />from the County at a cost of $2.00. <br />Mr. Charles Caope, CD Director, spoke on the meetings and course which he had at- <br />tended in order to qualify as a certified Director. He presented copies of the <br />needs which had arisen during the Tracy tornado and asked the Clerk to make copies <br />of that and another lengthy report (tape). Mr. Cape also requested funds for items <br />needed by the Civil Defense and was asked to present a formal request with a written <br />list of needs at the next meeting. Mr. Cape will soon receive his certification; <br />thereafter Lino Lakes will be able to acquire surplus equipment owned by the State <br />Civil Defense down at the Arms Plant. Mr. Cape asked that someone accompany him to <br />look over this equipment. He also requested a key for the Hall. The Clerk will <br />secure a key. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved that the bills be paid as audited. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. <br />Carried. <br />Mr. Rosengren moved to adjourn at 10:10 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />
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