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02/10/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/10/1969 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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12 4 <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to table the matter of the County police protection plan. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Jaworski mentioned that Mrs. Lena Billik had slipped on the skating rink <br />while working and had broken her wrist and glasses. The Clerk was instructed <br />to contact Mr. Bob Johnson for the insurance forms to give to Mr. Jaworski. <br />Mr. Bohjanen reported that the Brochure was completely laid out except forthe <br />proposed zoning map; a dozen copies had been sent out to different business companies <br />for their comments and suggestions. They are also having a printing cost estimate <br />mate. The Information Guide is ready except for the Chairman of the P&Z which has <br />not yet been decided. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to authorize Mr. Bohjanen to send the Information Guide to the <br />printers as soon as it is completed; 3000 copies are to be made. Seconded by Mr. <br />Cardinal. Carried. <br />Mr. Rosengren stated that routine work was being done on the roads. He had re- <br />ceived a complaint of junk cars on Rolling Hills Drive at the same location as <br />before. The police will check. He had been unable to get satisfaction on the <br />bill from the County and will try again. <br />The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Locher approving the insurance policy sent by RCPA. <br />Mr. Gotwald had received the new copies of the easement with the correct legal de- <br />scription for the easement. There was a change to be made in the wording regarding <br />the minimum height for the line - -this was okay by the company. <br />There was more discussion of a general utilities (underground) ordinance. Mr. <br />Gotwald stated that he had received a model copy for such an ordinance from NSP. <br />Such an ordinance would provide for inspection by the Engineer on any submitted <br />proposals to see if they might interfere with future development of the Village. <br />Mr. Gotwald received a questionaire from the Minnesota Traffic Safety Board. The <br />Clerk and police will try to fill it out. Mr. Bohjanen would like e copy. <br />Mr. Rotwald also cautioned against possible flooding this spring and suggested that <br />we try to locate pumps and fill material for quick use. Also, good records on costs <br />should be kept for use in government reimbursements. Mr. Gotwald mentioned that at <br />the March meeting he would probably have ready the revised estimate for road <br />work in 1969. <br />Mr. Locher stated that he had met with Mr. Jerome Siegel of the St. Paul Water- <br />works Department regarding the lease on Baldwin Lake. Mr. L'Allier had received <br />a copy of the lengthy agreement made between the Board of 'Water Commissioners and <br />Anoka County for the park on Centerville Lake. <br />Mr. Locher also reported that he had been contacted by Mr. Harold Larkin- of <br />Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company, regarding regulations on billboards. Mr. <br />Locher commented that according to our ordinances there was no restriction except _. <br />in residential areas. Naegele wished to have Lino pass restricting ordinaces <br />since such signs often look tacky and are lethel in wind if they receive little <br />attention from the owners. Mr. Locher passed out copies of the Naegele proposed <br />ordinance to the Council and will secure copies of similar ordinances from <br />neighboring communities. <br />It was decided that the decision to advertise for bids on a new police car <br />would be made at the first meeting in March. <br />
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