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02/24/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/24/1969 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1_2‘ <br />The Planning and Zoning minutes of February 19 were read. A recommendation from <br />from the Planning Board, meeting prior to the Council on February 24 was read re- <br />garding that all builders coming into the Village during the next month be advised <br />that a new recommendation for the building code regarding plumbing inspection and <br />specifications would be enacted after that period. <br />The special hearing for U. S. Lakes Development Company-on the final plat for <br />Lakes Addition Number One, was called to order at 8:35 p.m. Mr. J. H. Dielentheis, <br />Vice President of U. S. Lakes Development Company presented a letter regarding <br />the defferal of 10 per cent of the land acreage in Lakes Addition Number One for <br />park use to be dedicated later in combination of the park acreage in conjunction <br />with the platting of subsequent additions. <br />Mr. Dielentheis stated that the model homes would be sold about 18 -24 months after <br />'being built. If central sewer was to be installed, it should be in by that time. <br />For the present, only one well and septic system would be built for the sales office. <br />A letter from Mr. Gotwald regarding the bonding amount for the streets in Lakes <br />Addition Number One was read giving the following amounts: estimated construction <br />cost -- $65,834.00; bonding amount -- $98,751.00. Mr. Dielentheis stated that a bond <br />in that amount would be forwarded to the Clerk. It was expected that Seventh <br />Avenue would be relocated in the platted area. Mr. Gotwald stated that the devel- <br />oper would have to provide soil samples and have percolation and necessary tests <br />taken. The check list from the County Surveyor showed that no easements, turn- <br />arounds, or deadends had been shown on the plat map. This will be corrected on <br />the final hardshells. <br />Mr. Gotwald approved the map of street profiles. Mr. Cardinal stated that the <br />Planning Board was going over the provided list of street names; some duplication <br />had been found. Mr. Locher inquired further about the utility easements and was <br />told that these were not shown on the map because they were going down the street <br />rather than on private property. If these were to run through the backlots it <br />would be necessary to show them. <br />There were no objections or comments from the audience. Mr. Locher stated that <br />except for the street bond and the park dedication the plat exceeds or meets <br />minimum requirements. He asked about the abstract of title and was told that the <br />plat is being registered under torrent title. There was an affidavit of publica- <br />tion to show that the hearing had been properly announced. <br />Mr. Bohanen asked whether a definite answer could be given on the installation <br />of a central sewage system and was told that they would know next month. Mr. Got - <br />weld stated that the streets probably wouldn't be finished until 1970 and there <br />was time to install both sewer and water in the streets before then. He expected <br />that a central water system would be made since the golf course would require it. <br />Mr. L'Allier inquired when Mr. Jandric would come to discuss the full plot. Mr. <br />Dielentheis responded that this had been shown more or less when they came the <br />first time. However, they expected to bring the preliminary plat for Addition <br />Number Two and the sewer plans to the next meeting. Mr. L'Allier asked whether <br />they were going to build on both sides of the lake simultaneously or not. Mr. <br />Dielentheis stated that they planned to go from the west right around the lake. <br />They were asked exactly where the placement and number of the townhouses would <br />be and answered that this depended on the market demand, but the placement would <br />probably be on the northern part of Outlot A. All their efforts are being <br />channeled on the west side of the lake now; however the golf course may go in <br />in advance. <br />
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