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03/10/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/10/1969 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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The March 10, 1969 regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council was called <br />to order at 8:05 p.m. with all members present (Mr. Rosengren arriving late.) <br />The following correction was made to the February 24 minutes: page 2, paragraph <br />8, after Village Inspector insert: and the payment of the necessary inspection <br />fees, although the code is not yet in effect. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to accept the February 24, 1969, minutes as corrected. Second- <br />ed by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />The Clerk stated that Mr. Richard Hauer wished to have his salary reduced from $75 /mo. <br />to $74 per month in order not to join PERA. Mr. Jaworski moved that the salary <br />of Assistant Constable Hauer be reduced to $74.00 per month. Seconded by Mr. Bohjaa- <br />en. Carried. <br />The typewriter to be sold from the Municipal Court equipment is a Smith- Corona <br />electric portable, with a list price of $201.50. The Clerk will inspect the <br />machine. <br />Letters from J. R. Stockstead and RCPA (with payment of $1000) were read. <br />The Clerk was instructed that the hardshell for the Jandric plat was not to be <br />signed as there were omissions in their street bond that need to be added. <br />Mr. John Juleen will be contacted about the possibility of attending the State <br />Fire School to be held in April. <br />The Clerk was instructed to write the Civil Defense telling them that they are <br />covered under the Village's workmen's compensation insurance; also that they had <br />been authorized to respond to any call from the Anoka County Water Patrol during <br />the spring flooding under our mutual aid agreement. <br />The Clerk read from a letter from North Central Public Service Company stating that <br />a price increase from their supplier would result in a rate increase for customers <br />effective March first. Mr. Locher mentioned that the City of Coon Rapids was fight- <br />ing this increase since there had been no hearing in Minnesota regarding it. <br />Mr. William Beck, a planner from Consulting Services, Corp., will talk to the <br />Council on April 14th. <br />The Clerk mentioned that the checks paid at each meeting would not be listed <br />henceforth in the minutes as monliy sheets on receipts, expenditures and payroll <br />were being made. <br />Mr. Jawroski inquired of Mr. Locher whether a mobile unit can legally be used to <br />sign up persons for voter registration. He was told that this is legal on public <br />roadways. Also, the Clerk, who is Commissioner of Registration, may appoint a <br />deputy to ride in such a vehicle, or to preside in the office for such registration. <br />Registration closes 20 days prior to the election in order to give theCommissioner <br />time to get the files in order. Pay for the Commissioner is not mandatory under <br />State law, but is allowed. <br />Mr. Charles Tooker from Beckman, Swenson and Associates, Planners, spoke for some <br />time to the Council telling them that his firm has been in this area for three <br />years after working in Pennsylvania and Indiana. They have completed planning in <br />Vadnais Heights and are nearly through in Farmington. Their program usually con- <br />sists of 1) background work with the Planning Board, etc. 2) detailing and com- <br />prehensive work even to open space and transportation, and 3) drafting ordinances <br />enforcing the planning. <br />
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