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Mr. Tooker stated that public awareness was the key factor in acceptance of <br />long -range plans. The public initially takes a negative attitude, but after <br />several hearings the public's ideas on the plans are taken into consideration <br />and a Plan is created that is useable for several years. His firm also does <br />shorter -term and specialized studies; some of these evolve into total planning. <br />Mr. Tooker stated that he himself would be responsible for serving Lino Lakes <br />if the firm is considered. (He also worked for weveral years as a landscape <br />architect.) <br />Mr. Tooker proceeded to show maps of the Farmington area: 1) existing zoning; <br />2) housing conditions; 3) public utilities; 4) road surfacing; 5) street and <br />traffic volume; 6) terraine profiles; 7) underground water channels; 8) soil <br />associations; 9) sketch plans, initial and revised, these shown to the P&Z, <br />public and school board; 10) potential uses so that Federal programs could be <br />used to acquire land for these uses; 11) central business area study; 12) con- <br />dition of structures in the business district, this also showing the Village Hall <br />to be the center of the district. These final reports would be out about the <br />first of April; planning had cost Farmington about $10,000. Mr. Tooker pre- <br />sented the information brochure put out by Vadnais Heights. <br />Chrystall Ahlmen from the audience asked Mr. Tooker whether he had taken into <br />consideration the effect of the coming airport on this area. Mr. Tooker answered <br />that he had of course not done any detailed work on the area as yet, and that <br />a solid feel of the area must be achieved before planning can be done. He <br />replied to Mr. Bohjanen's query that he would rely on the Village Engineer's <br />groundwork for maps already completed. Also, he could use some information <br />from other nearby municipalities in the planning. Budgeting can be worked out. <br />He will be glad to make a proposal for Lino Lakes if his firm is granted the <br />work of planning, but did not care to stick his neck out as we are to hear from <br />another firm. <br />Mr. Waldemar Hill brought copies of the 1968 audit for the Council and went <br />through a bit of the summary of funds. The total assessed value for 1968-9 <br />is $1,244,005.00. The mill rate was set at 41.36, down 4 malls from last year. <br />The valuation was much higher than last year due to the revaluation of all residen- <br />tial by the Assessor as required by State law in order to equalize property values <br />in the State. He was thanked for this prompt report. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that there had been no Planning Board meeting. However, <br />he had complaints on the intersection of 35W and Highway 8--many persons don't <br />stop before turning onto the bridge. The Clerk was instructed to write the <br />State Highway Department asking them to provide adequate policing by the Highway <br />Patrol at the intersection, also to reduce the speed limit to 40 on Highway 8 <br />in the area and that more signs be installed as many motorists are confused. <br />Mr. Bohjanen stated that there was to be a meeting of the four Villages, County <br />Commissioners, and the Highway Department to straighten out the matter of the <br />'Lake Drive' exit sign. Possibly the sign in question could be put up at High - <br />way 8. <br />Mr. Bohjanen thought that in two weeks they should have all the information <br />and the estimates for the printing of the big brochure. He also stated that <br />the date of April 2 is set for the meeting between the C&BDC, Engineer, Chair- <br />man of the P&Z and the Bonding Consultant. <br />Mr. Bohjanen also inquired whether any road work could be done on Maple and <br />Orange Streets as they are nearly impassible with mud and be. Mr. Rosengren <br />