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03/24/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/24/1969 Council Minutes
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12/29/2014 2:05:14 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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10 <br />Mr. Charles Cap9 Civil Defense Director, stated that the Civil Defense needed <br />badges, caps, shirts (short - sleeved) and long - sleeved shirts before the sum- <br />mer parades. Mr. L'Allier moved to authorize the order of the above items <br />at an approximate cost of $400.00. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. Mr. <br />Cape also mentioned that the CD will be passing out the Information Guides <br />as well as other materials. He had received no answer as yet on the sur- <br />plus materials. <br />The Clerk stated that she had had a call from Dick Johnson, owner of the Rice <br />Edgerton Bus Line. He stated that the Metro Transit Commission would have to <br />be contacted in order to subsidize a new area of service. They would then <br />set up a meeting with the Council. Mayor L'Allier asked the newspaper re- <br />porters present to mention a possible extension of bus service in the area. <br />Interested persons should contact the Clerk. <br />The Clerk had received notice from the League for nominations for the C.C. <br />Ludwig award being due. <br />A letter from Mr. Busch, Attorney for U.S. Lakes Development Company, regarding <br />the setting up of hearings on their proposed sewer and water franchises was <br />read; copies of the proposed franchises were passed out to the Council and the <br />Attorney. The Clerk was instructed to send a copy to the Engineer. Both the <br />Engineer and Attorney should bring their remarks concerning these to the next <br />meeting. <br />A letter from the County regarding the dedication of the new Columbia Arena <br />in August was read. It was suggested that each Village design a flag; these <br />would be flown at the dedication ceremony. Mr. Bohjanen stated he would <br />mention to the C&BDC at their April 2 meeting that they try a contest to find <br />a design for the flag. The Council would have the final choice of design. <br />Mr. Talbot, County Sheriff, sent a letter regarding a meeting on March 24 to <br />further discuss the County's policing of the area. Mr. L'Allier stated that <br />Mr. Backlin was attending the meeting and would report back to the Council. <br />The Mayor inquired whether Mrs. Olson had indicated whether or not she was <br />interested in the Assessor's position. The Clerk stated that Mrs. Olson <br />had not yet decided. Since there is a bill in the Legislature which would <br />make it mandatory that Assessors be appointed and certified by the State if <br />not appointed before July 1, 1969, we should make the appointment by then. <br />The Planning and Zoning Board minutes were read. Mr. Cardinal presented Mr. <br />Gerald Krogseng who wished a rezoning of property on Main Street in order to <br />sell snowmobiles in partnership. Hearings were set up before the P&Z on <br />April 16 and the Council on April 28th. The Clerk and the Attorney will <br />take care of the publication. Mr. Krogseng will also need a variance. <br />1 <br />Mr. Lyle Krueger requested a variance to divide a lot on Highway 8. Mr. Locher <br />checked the legal description and stated that it wasn't correct; he will need <br />a new certificate. Mr. Cardinal moved to grant a variance to Mr. Krueger upon <br />the receipt of the correct legal description. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: (]L) <br />(See yellow insert for description) <br />1 <br />
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