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05/01/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/01/1969 Council Minutes
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156 <br />Mr. Bohjanen inquired how much Lino Lakee was now paying through taxes for the <br />County Sheriff's office and was told about $2000 42500. Mr. Kordiak stated <br />that he felt, on this matter, that Columbia Heights felt justified in paying <br />for the County policing even though they have very adequate policing since <br />the Sheriff's office handles all the investigations that are needed. Very <br />little is paid for patrolling. Some of the money must go for training of <br />officers and ordinance enforcement. <br />Mr. Talbot answered Mr. Bohjanen that the County would be willing to buy our <br />equipment. Lino Lakes' policing costs for 1968 were $6,641. <br />Mr. Bohjanen inquired about the financing of the program. Mr. Kordiak felt <br />that the service was far greater than what we would pay for; County taxes <br />would have to be increased elsewhere. Mr. Talbot stated that the service for <br />the four communities would cost the County $49,700; the County would have to <br />underwrite about $23,000 of this in general taxes. Mr. Johnston commented <br />that fines received would reduce the cost somewhat. <br />Mr. :'Allier asked if the County was limited as to which type of calls they <br />will respond to. Mr. Talbot replied that they will take care of some emergency <br />calls, but they are not running an ambulance service, nor do they feel that they <br />should handle childbirth cases, since expectant parents have plenty of time <br />to make plans to get to the hospital. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked whether the contract could be negotiated later if not signed <br />now. Mr. Talbot replied yes, but we should have made up our minds by now as <br />he has been trying to arrange this program for four years. We should give it <br />a 6 -month try to work out the wrinkles. Mr. Kordiak wondered whether we could <br />budget for next year to cover six months of protection for this year plus <br />next year. Mr. L'Allier thought this would be hard. There was much discussion <br />with Mr. Talbot stating that Lino Lakes has a good police department. <br />The Commissioners felt that it would help Mr. Talbot if we could give him a <br />committment one way or the other, at least if we only wished to begin by the <br />first of the year. <br />Sheriff Talbot stated that Circle Pines and Centerville have already said yes. <br />Mr. Kordiak wished we would say yes, even if we didn't pay anything until Jan. <br />1; the County could make the adjustments and the transition would be smoother. <br />Mr. L'Allier asked whether the cost of $5 per head would go up. Mr. Talbot <br />replied that it would if we wanted more service or the population didn't rise <br />fast enough to keep up with the expenses. Mr. L'Allier stated that we were happy <br />with the service we have now; would the County give us better service? Yes, <br />since 24 hours a day. Mr. L'Allier felt that we should think the matter over <br />more before reaching a decision. Mr. Talbot felt that if we didn't want the <br />program package as is, perhaps a special program that we felt we could afford <br />could be worked out. Mr. Johnston felt that we were skirting the issue, <br />as it all ties in with the assessed valuation and the population. There was <br />more discussion on census figures and budgeting. Mrs. Anne Bohjanen asked what <br />would be left in our budget with the cost of the car deducted. Mr. L'Allier <br />figured that it would be about $200012500 difference in cost. Mr. Rosengren <br />stated that we would still need a constable (collecting fees) who could use the <br />old police car. <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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