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05/12/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/12/1969 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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57' <br />Mr. Talbot requested a resolution of intent on our part. Mr. Kordiak felt we <br />certainly couldn't afford to levy 35 mills for policing. Figures were given on' <br />mill rates for Blaine, Spring Lake Park and Columbia Heights, all showing their <br />costs higher than $5/ capita. There was disucssion on the cost of County policing <br />in general with costs, mill rates, etc., but Mr. gordiak stated that we really <br />couldn't compare these figures with the individual communities' cost since the <br />County Sheriff has an office to run, training schools, etc. <br />It was the consensus of the Council that the matter be placed on the May 12th <br />agenda. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to adjourn at 9:06 p.m., seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of May 12, 1969 .d/24/- -744 Q1- <br />Cl rk- Treasurer <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on May 12, 1969 was <br />called to order at 8:06 p.m. with all members present. <br />The following corrections were made to the minutes of the April 28 meeting: <br />page 3, next to last paragraph, change 'requested' to'suggested'. Page 4, first <br />paragraph- -add -- The Councilmen were given a copy of the conclusions from the <br />report and same will be attached to these minutes. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren <br />Carried. <br />The Clerk read a letter from Harold Breasted, new owner of the Village Hall, which <br />stated that as of June 1, 1969, the Hall rent would be increased to $150.00 per <br />month. A letter from the Springsted Company was read stating that Mr. Martin was <br />leaving the firm and that from now on Mr. Osmon Springsted would process all Vil- <br />lage business with the firm. <br />A letter and report from Mr. VanHousen, planner who was at the previous meeting, <br />was passed around. The matter of hiring a planner as consultant will be decided <br />next meeting. <br />Mr. L'Allier moved to authorize the Clerk to have the Deputy Clerk and any other <br />necessary personnel hired to help with the preliminary work on the Voter Regis- <br />tration system. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. Mr. L'Allier noted that <br />members of both local political parties had volunteered to help with the Regis- <br />tration later on. Cards were handed out to the Council members to fill out, Mr. <br />Bohjanen inquired whether this was setting a precedent and if other persons could <br />register during the Council meeting and was told yes, although the Clerk objected <br />saying that she had to watch the signing of the cards and approve them, which would <br />detract from her note - taking. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that he had tdlked with Mr. Cecil LaMotte who would appear <br />at the next meeting for plat approval. Mr. LaMotte had been in touch with Mr. <br />Gotwald on the road bond. <br />After discussion of the Mobile Home Ordinance, it was decided to have Mr. Gotwald <br />look over the differences between ours and that of Blaine and make recommendations <br />to the Council on changes. Mr. Jaworski noted some differences in the two: larger <br />lot size in theirs; larger patio and tree size in ours; larger park area in theirs <br />
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