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05/26/1969 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
05/26/1969 Council Minutes
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Mr. Locher felt that there was a legal problem here of a private line running <br />down a public road. Mr. Locher asked about use of Federal funds if we pur- <br />chased the package deal from Jandric. No, since would only be buying laterals <br />and funds are for mains and interceptors. The estimated cost of a small sewage <br />plant to serve 300 families would be around $150,000. Double that cost for a <br />force main to run down to County Road J. Mr. Gotwald felt that this franchise <br />was good, since he has seen plenty which weren't- -some places charged as much <br />as $15.00 per month for water. <br />Mrs. Bohjanen asked whether the State could force us to put in sewers since we <br />have so little bonded debt now. No. Mr. Gotwald felt that the new sewer <br />bill would change the whole picture. Mr. Bohjanen asked whether a lift- station <br />would handle 300 families. No, build piece -meal. Mr. Bohjanen then asked how <br />much a lift station for the Lakeview area and for area from Highway 8 up to <br />Main Street would cost. W. Gotwald estimated that it would be about $125,000 <br />now, but labor costs are rising rapidly. Mrs. Bohjanen asked whether, if the <br />Village had a municipal sewer system designed would Jandric's system flow into <br />it by gravity. No, the lift- station would have to be retained. <br />Mr. Bill Houle felt that we should stall Jandric or awhile and see what the <br />sewer bill brings. <br />Two members of the State Pollution Control Agency were in the audience. They <br />offered a few comments on sewage in the area; felt that the interceptor would <br />come through within 3 years. They had little to say on the franchise, stating <br />that they would deal with them as they come up through regular channels. Mr. <br />Gotwald commenttd, that since the Pollution Agency had turned down a request <br />by Forest Lake, it would have no trouble turning down something unfavorable <br />from Jandric. <br />Mrs. Ahlmen asked why the State gets away with Pollution at the Youth Center. <br />Mr. Gotwald proceeded to give a resume of his trip there and subsequent action, <br />stating that a report would be available in a couple weeks. <br />Mr. L'Allier reminded the Council that they had three choices to consider for <br />Lakes Development C. 1) municipal sewer which was hardly feasible; 2) allow <br />private wells and septic systems or 3) consider granting the franchises. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to adjourn at 11:03 p.m., seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />7 1 i <br />r <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of June 9, 196 <br />erk- Treasurer <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on May 26, 1969 <br />was called to order at 8:06 p.m. by Mayor Ralph L'Allier with all members present. <br />Several corrections were made to the minutes of the May 12 meeting as follows: <br />page 1, paragraph 7- -put last sentence after 'later on;, Cross out second to <br />last sentence, after 'Mr. Bohjanen inquired whether' t=- insert 'this was setting <br />a precedent and if other'. Page one, paragraph ten -- after '3.2 beer' insert <br />'for the "49" Club'. Page two, paragraph one -- after 'them' insert 'on the <br />Engineer's recommendation', second paragraph -- after 'cost' insert '(excluding <br />work done by the Village road department" would not reach the figure of $2,000, <br />which would require bids and. Also add -- Seconded by Mr. L'Allier. Carried. <br />
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