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06/09/1969 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
06/09/1969 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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176 <br />PAYROLL: MAY 26, 1969 Councilmen's checks include $5 expenses. <br />839 William Bohjanen $ 55.00 <br />840 Andrew Cardinal 55.00 <br />841 Ronald Jaworski 55.00 <br />842 Ralph L'Allier 55.00 <br />843 Henry Rosengren 55.00 <br />844 June Emerton 183.33 <br />845 Kay Olson 33.49 <br />846 Elwood West 200.00 <br />847 Marvin Myhre 185.00 <br />848 Richard Hauer 74.00 <br />849 Lena Billik 35.00 <br />850 C. E, LeVesseur 25.00 <br />851 Al Dupre 272.64 <br />852 Gunder Gunderson 89.58 <br />853 Roy Backlin 165.00 <br />854 Robert Lundgren 216.20 <br />855 Emil Rehbein 188.00 <br />856 Virgil Beecher 30.70 <br />//--) <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of June 9, 1969t. ;r3� <br />C]rk- Treasurer <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council was called to order at <br />8:07 p.m. on June 9, 1969 by Mayor L'Allier with all members present except Mr. <br />Rosengren who arrived late. <br />The following corrections were made to the minutes of the special meeting held <br />May 15, 1969: Page 3 - Paragraph 1, line 1, cross out the words "Centerville <br />Road net" Page 4 - paragraph 4, line 3, change '75 %' to read '60 -75 %1. Page <br />5, paragraph 6, line 1, cross out the word 'a'. Change the word 'line' to 'lines <br />and cross out the words 'down the County Road' to read the 'Lakeview Addition'. <br />Page 5 -- paragraph 6, line 2, add the words 'and sewer' after the word 'water'. <br />Page 5 -- paragraph 8, line 7, change the work 'has' to 'had a' and 'gravity' to <br />'sewer'. Add the word' designed' after the word 'system.' Mr. Bohjanen moved to <br />make the following correction: page 4, paragraph 4, line 13 should read as follows: <br />"the rates between the municipal and private would vary by $1 -$2 /month." There was <br />no second to the motion. Motion died. Mr. Jaworski moved to accept the minutes <br />of the May 15 meeting as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried, withMr. <br />Rosengren abstaining as he had not been present to hear all the corrections. Mr. <br />L'Allier asked that a separate sheet for the corrections of these minutes be made up. <br />The following corrections were made to the minutes of the regular meeting of May <br />26th: page 3, paragraph 4, lines 4 and 5 should read as follows: "Mr. Bohjanen <br />suggested that we check with the sheriff's office, too, to get their interpretation <br />on this point." Page 4, paragraph 6, line 6, add the word 'Calcium; before the <br />chloride'. Page 5, paragraph 3, line 2, add the following sentence: "Mr. Jaworski <br />is working on them" after the word 'resurrected', omitting the rest of the original <br />sentence. Page 6, paragraph 1, line 3 should read as follows: "We shouldn't <br />consider the Federal 701 grant at this time as the funds are not available." <br />Page 6, paragraph 1, line 4, change the word 'proposed' to 4noved;. <br />
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