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06/09/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/09/1969 Council Minutes
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12/29/2014 2:10:15 PM
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Council Minutes
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L <br />1 <br />1 <br />Page 6, paragraph 2, line 3 should read as follows: "Mr. Bohjanen thought that we <br />should first get a copy of the Metro Council zoning bill and open -space bill, and <br />see how the airport decision comesout. Mr. L'Allier stated we shouldn't wait for <br />the Metro Council to plan for us, but should do our own." Page 6, paragraph,3, <br />line 3 should read as follows: "This was okay with W. L'Allier, but he thought <br />that the County was rather slow on this. ", after slowly add - "but other counties <br />had moved slowly before making a decision." Page 6, paragraph 4, line 7 should read <br />as follows: "Mr. L'Allier replied, "show me a man who doesn't make a mistake and I'll <br />show you a man who doesn't do anything." Page 7, paragraph 8, line 1 should read as <br />follows: "Mr. Bohjanen moved to authorize the Mayor and the Clerk to sign the Lex- <br />ington Fire Contract." W. Jaworski moved to accept the minutes of the May 26 meeting <br />as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />Mr. : Alliet moved that the Clerk be authorized to obtain bids on a tape recorder <br />to be used for taking the minutes of the meetings,. Seconded by W. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />A letter dated June 5 from W. Tom Van Housen of Progressive Design Association was <br />read. Mr. Van Housen requested that all plans, maps, zoning or planning ordinances, <br />projected highway maps and dates of regular Council or Planning Board meetings be <br />made available to him several days prior to his first meeting with us. <br />The Clerk stated that the notice of the hearings for Ord. No. 6N, rezoning for Mr. <br />G :urge Smith for a riding stable on Birch Street had been published in the Blaine <br />Life. Mr. L'Allier stated that the owner had called to say that he only wished a <br />special use permit for the stable and not to have the property rezoned to commercial. <br />This will be discussed at the hearing on June 18th. <br />A letter from the Metro Council had been received stating that an error had been made; <br />the date announced for the Circle Pines Comprehensive Plan was for the preliminary <br />plan which only the Metro Council would review. When such plan is passed by the Cir- <br />cle Pines Planning and Zoning or their Council, then we would be notified of a review <br />for same. <br />Mr. Jaworski suggested that we write the Metro Council asking them to give us a notice <br />of this review further ahead of time, so that we have time to study the plan and ask <br />for a hearing if need be. <br />A letter from the League of Minnesota Municipalities announcing their annual Con- <br />vention in June was passed around. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to accept the application of Jerome Hauer, dba Apple Inn, for an <br />on -sale liquor license and a dance license providing that he provide proof of insur- <br />ance and also a bond. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />The application of Luther LeVesseur, dba Luther's Sport Shop, was reviewed. Mr. Ros- <br />engren stated that he thought that Lino Lakes, like other municipalities, should have <br />renewal applications for the beer licenses for those persons who must fill out these <br />applications every year. Mr. Bohjanen proposed that we pass a blanket resolution <br />accepting all renewal applications. This will be taken up at the next meeting. <br />The following license approvals are all subject to the Attorney's approval. <br />Mr. Rosengren moved to approve the application of Luther LeVesseur for an on and off - <br />sale 3.2. beer. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />
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