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06/09/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/09/1969 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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17S <br />Mr. Rosengren asked whether the on and off -sale liquor licenses had to be sent <br />to the liquor Control Commissioner one month ahead of time. Yes. He then <br />asked whether it wasn't State Law that such application didn't have to be ac8- <br />companied by the fee. The Clerk will check before the next meeting. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the application of Mrs. Delores I Peters, dba <br />Knotty Pine Inn, for an on and off -sale 3.2 beer. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. <br />Carried. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to approve the application d' Mr. Jimmy C. Aragon, dab Aragon <br />Ballroom, for on and off -sale 3.2 beer. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to issue a beer permit for St. Joseph's Church for their <br />chicken dinner for the days of August 9 and 10th. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. <br />Carried. It was decided that St. Joseph's should provide a certificate of 'in- <br />surance even though it is private property. <br />The Clerk stated that a Mr. Ken 4uick, of Keg Weister, 5750 Nicollet Avenue, had <br />requested an off -sale liquor license in order to deliver strong beer to those per- <br />sons in Lino Lakes who would purchase the kegs. The Council wished to have Mr. <br />Quick come and explain his operation after having checked with the Attorney and <br />the State. <br />The Clerk asked whether the Council would wish to charge fees to these estab- <br />lishments having set -up licenses in the Village. Mr. Rosengren stated that in <br />previous years the Council had not done so since the State license fee was some <br />$200. The limit on fees was *300, but they had not wished to charge a fee of <br />$100, since they thought the State fee was high enough. The Clerk stated that the <br />State fee was now $100. Therefore the Village could charge $200. The only places <br />in the Village having set -up licenses are the Aragon Ballroom and the Knotty Pine <br />Inn. The Clerk will check with othermunicipalities to see what they are charting <br />for set -up licenses. <br />The fund balances for May 31st were read. <br />Mr. Jaworski complained that the electric bill for the parks had been too high in <br />May. He will check the bills later. <br />It was decided that henceforth, the Councilmen will initial bills pertaining to <br />their department to show that the amounts are approved by them. <br />Mr. Jaworski will also check on the minimuncost for gas usage from Circle Pines. <br />The Clerk read that portion of the August 12, 1968 minutes pertaining to the <br />trailer owned by Ken Rehbein. This stated that two 90 -day permits could be issued <br />to him. After discussion, Mr. Jaworski moved to write a letter to Mr. Ken Rehbein <br />asking him to give the Council his intentions on the keeping of his trailer on <br />his lot on Fourth Avenue. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal had no report but announced the next P&Z meeting for June 18th. <br />Mr. Jaworski had obtained different prices on tractors. An Internationi Cub <br />Low -boy, 15 h.p., 1600 lb. would cost $1788, 60" mover,$235 extra. There <br />was no front -end broom for this model, although Mr. Myhre stated that brooms <br />were available for either Cub models. A 12 i. p. Whe& -Horse with snow blower, <br />front plow blade, wheel weights and mower would cost $1200 plus. A broom is <br />available; perhaps this could be substituted for the blade. Mr. Rosengren asked <br />whether he thought this would be large enough for Park purposes. Mr. Jaworski <br />thought so. Mr. Gotweld suggested that Mr. Jaworski check with Gould who make <br />park equipment and also others who have gear- driven equipment for similar prices. <br />
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