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1 <br />The following correction was made to the <br />1,, paragraph 6, line, 9, change 20 to 21. <br />of the June 23 meeting as thus corrected. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to accept the minutes <br />corrected by Mr. Les Schwartz. Seconded <br />)03 <br />minutes of the June 23 meeting: Page <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to accept the minutes <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />of the special June 24 meeting as already <br />by Mr. Rosengren. Carried. <br />Mr. Marshall G. Stam of 6856 Sunset Drive complained that on May 13 this year his <br />snowblower had been stolen, and on July 4, a shot had been fired thru a back window <br />of his car. He thought that our police protection was non-existent, that he never <br />saw the patrol car although he did see the County cars. Also that the police were <br />not distributed evenly in the Village and that he had heard that the Circle Pines <br />police and ours could not agree on who was to police Sunset. <br />Also, Mr. Stara complained that the Circle Pines Utilities were not reading his gas <br />meter correctly, that he had read them the same day that their man did and his <br />figures were considererably lower. The Clerk was instructed to write the company <br />to come out and check with Mr. Stam. Carbon copies will be sent to Mr. Wm. Blaylock, <br />liaison to the company and to Mr. Stam. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to ratify the previous action of granting a 3.2 beer on and off <br />sale license to Mrs. Annie Ross of the Lino Store and Tavern whose application came <br />in too late for June 23rd. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />The Clerk letters from the following" <br />1) North Central Public Service Co., advising that their rates would be re- <br />duced since the previously noted increase had not been so great as expected. <br />2) Design Integral, an architectural firm wishing to construct a new Hall. <br />3) Northern States Power Co., noting that a change would be made in residential <br />rate schedules due to a change in practice regarding the installation of under- <br />ground utility lines. <br />4) A letter from the League thanking Mayor L'Allier for his help in their <br />convention. <br />5) IBM, enclosing a maintenance agreement on the new typewriter, no action taken. <br />6) Lexington Fire Department giving the extensive second quarter report on <br />runs. The Clerk also mentioned the following items: a list of amendments in the <br />PERA laws; the June settlement from the County in the amount of $18,613.73; a <br />Pollution Symposium to be held in St. Paul on July 23rd; a Mr. Richard Taeffe of <br />Meyers Outdoor Advertizing Co., Inc. who is also interested in seeing Lino Lakes <br />pass a billboard ordinance; a hearing to be held on Ditch No. 55. <br />The Clerk had checked with the Clerk of Municipal Court to see why we hadn't <br />been receiving monthly reports and had been told that unless fines had been col- <br />lected, no report was made. Also, the Court charged a $5 fee for each case. <br />Mr. L'Allier moved that a letter be sent to the Clerk of Municipal Court requesting <br />that we be kept informed of any case involving persons from Lino Lakes, even if <br />they are not being prosecuted for an ordinance violation, but under. State law, since <br />we are a part of the County court system. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried.Car- <br />bond copies will be sent to Mr. Bob Johnson, Cty Atty., and to Judge Tom Forsberg. <br />The Clerk also mentioned that in some copies of the minutes of June 23 the bottom <br />line of page 3 had not come through, and read this line aloud for the convenience <br />of those who didn't have it. <br />