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08/11/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/11/1969 Council Minutes
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Last modified
12/29/2014 3:29:58 PM
Creation date
12/29/2014 2:48:46 PM
City Council
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Council Minutes
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Mr, Bohjanen moved to set the date of August 7th to hear the recommendations of <br />the Fiscal Agent and the Engineers on the Jandric franchises. Also page 4, par. 2, <br />the second sentence should read, "Mr. Bohjanen remarked that there was no certain <br />seating arragnement by law and that a vote really was not necessary." Page 7, <br />par. 2, change the first sentence to read, "It had been decided that the Council <br />would meet with the Attorney, the Engineer, and the Fiscal Agent on August 7th <br />to discuss the Jandric franchises." Also on page 7, par. 4, the word "Street" should <br />be changed to "Avenue" in next to the last line of that paragraph. Page 8, par. 10, <br />line 2, cross out the words "including 3 trucks ". In that same paragraph, line 5, <br />change the following sentence to read, "Mr. Jaworski said that Mr. Myhre had stated <br />that when he inspected the place he had thought it well cleaned up." On Page 10, <br />par. 1, after the second sentence add the following words, "also, Mr. Jaworski had <br />not called for a meeting ". Mr. Jaworski moved to accept these minutes as corrected. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />The Clerk mentioned a letter from the League of Minnesota Municipalities stating <br />that the next year's dues would be in the amount of $333.00. After some discussion, <br />Mr. L'Allier moved to table the motion until next meeting. Seconded by Mr, Jaworski. <br />Carried. <br />A letter from the American Legion Post No. 566 was read stating that unserviceable <br />flags would be disposed of ina Flag burning ceremony on Labor Day. Ordinance <br />No, 39A had been published. <br />The Clerk reported that two applications for licenses to install individual sewage <br />systems had been received. The insurance papers and bond were given to Mr. Locher <br />to study. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved that the proposed maintenance agreement with IBM for the new <br />typewriter be signed. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. The cost of the agree- <br />ment if $42.00 per year. <br />Proposed dates for budget meetings on Sept. 4th and 25th were satisfactory to <br />everyone. A letter will be sent to Mr. Wally Hill confirming these dates. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to cinfirm the setting by telephone of the hearings for a special <br />use permit for Naegele Sign Co. before the P&Z on Aug. 20th and the Council on <br />Aug. 25th. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski, Carried. Mr. Bohjanen was not contacted by <br />the Clerk although the other members were. <br />There was discussion on how to get the public registered to vote. Mr. Bohjanen <br />stated that usually on the two Saturdays prior to the closing of registration, <br />the registration office is kept open all day. Otherwise two full days prior to the <br />close are used for that purpose. The Clerk was told- to line extra help for the <br />close of registration. <br />The Council set the date of Sept. 15th, 8 p.m., to hear the County's park plan which <br />was done by Midwest Planning. The Clerk will check the date with the County. <br />The Clerk stated that two long- outstanding bills for Tom Anderson (culverts) and <br />Eugene Blomquist )platting) still hadn't been paid. Mr. Cardinal thought that a <br />letter and bill should be sent to each. Mr. Jaworski moved that the bills be <br />turned over to the Attorney for collection. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />Mr, Bohjanen moved to grant a license to install individual sewage systems to El <br />Rehbein & Son, Inc. upon the receipt of the $5000 bond. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. <br />Carried. <br />Mr, Cardinal moved to grant a license to install individual sewage systems to U.S. <br />Lakes Development Co. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />
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