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r <br />Mr. L'Allier noted that Mr. Bob Sander, on the agenda, was not present. <br />Mr. Cardinal stated that Mr. Ken Rehbein had requested a variance on a parcel to <br />be split from the Hammer property on Oak Lane. There was some discussion on the <br />road easement for the rest of the Hammer property to line up with the 33' ease- <br />ment on the lot in question. Mr. Cardinal moved that a variance be granted to <br />Ken Rehbein on the following described property: <br />The West 90 feet of the East 376 feet of the South 157.5 feet of the <br />NE 1/4 of Section 8, Township 31, Range 22, Anoka County, Minnesota, <br />subject to an easement for roadway purposes over the southerly 33 <br />feet thereof. Above described tract being part of Lot 12, Auditor's <br />Sub. No. 100, with the following stipulation: that positive action be taken <br />to acquire a 66' roadway, this meaning that an additional 33' easement be given <br />by the owner for the rest of Lot 12. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried unani- <br />mously. The Clerk was instructed to send a letter stating that if the owner gives <br />a 33' easement, the Council will grant a variance and a building permit on the <br />requested parcel. Mr. Locher noted that the owners would draft their own document <br />and he would examine this. <br />Mr. Cardinal stated that Mr. Stein had appeared before the P&Z stating that he had <br />a problem getting a petition for the mobile home court signed. Apparently persons <br />don't disapprove of a court, but don't wish to petition for one. Crystal Ahlman, <br />stated that Mr. Stein was thinking of leaving the front 300' of the property along <br />Elm Street zoned as is and would only request rezoning for the remainder of the <br />property. He has even considered leaving 300!' around the whole thing. The priest <br />from St. Joseph's Church didn't feel he could sign for the whole parish. Mr. <br />Locher read from the ordinance stating that the Council may pass a resolution <br />asking for a hearing. At this point, Mr. Bob Raymond spoke up against the <br />trailer court. Mrs. Ahlman took the floor, stating that if the front 300' were <br />not rezoned, Mr. Raymond would have no say; also the positive aspects of a nice <br />mobile home court. She then asked the Council to set a public hearing for opinions <br />on the court. After discussion, Mr. Bohjanen moved to set hearings for opinions <br />on the proposed mobile home court before the P&Z on Oct. 15 and the Council on <br />Oct. 27 for all to have an opportunity to voice their feelings. Seconded by <br />Mr. Rosengren. Vote: Mr. Jaworski, no; the rest, aye. Motion carried. Mr. <br />L'Allier stated that this would give the developer a chance to at least have a <br />hearing. Mr. Locher stated that for the notices of hearings, he would need the <br />legal descriptions and the names of all concerned. <br />Mr. Cardinal presented Mr. Cecil LaMotte, who had called him and asked to speak to <br />the Council. Mr. LaMotte questioned the letter he had received from the Clerk <br />giving a certification of the minutes of the preliminary plat hearing; in partic- <br />ular the stipulation about the cul-de -sac. Mr. LaMotte stated that he had made <br />a 100' square turnaround rather than the cul-de -sac proposed at the time of the <br />hearing. There was some discussion of corrections that were needed on the plat. <br />It was mentioned that the final plat hearing was set for September 8th. Mr. <br />L'Allier commended Mr. LaMotte for developing his own land and conforming to what <br />some people think are strict ordinances. Mr. LaMotte was told to see Mr. Gotwald <br />for an estimate on the cash deposit for the road work. <br />Mr. Cardinal mentioned that he and Mr. Locher had visited with Mr. Wm. Waldoch <br />about the possibility of obtaining title for 2 acres of the property. Mr. Waldoch <br />had voiced fears that if the Village obtained title for 2 acres that they would not <br />want the rest of the property. He had been reassured that this was not so. <br />Mr. Waldoch wished to have an extra $1100.00 down on the whole parcel, thus giving <br />$2100.00 for title to the two acres. It was decided that the Council would meet <br />with Mr. Gotwald the following evening at 8 p.m. to pick out the site of the 2 acres <br />The Clerk was instructed to call Mr. Gotwald. <br />