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09/08/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/08/1969 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />on Sept. 2nd by the Personnel Commission: that the wage of the Deputy Clerk should <br />be equal to that of the road foreman, and the salary of the Clerk Treasurer should <br />be in the $3.00 per hour range. It was finally decided that the Deputy -Clerk be <br />given an approximate 10% increase to $2.60 per hour, and that the Clerk Treasurer <br />be given a merit raise to bring her salary into line with other payroll salaries, <br />thus making her salary $300.00 per month for an approximate $3.00 per hour. <br />There was discussion on the police budget since the near future in that department <br />is still uncertain. There are three possibilities: the County policing, the <br />pooling of surrounding communities' policing, or keeping our system as is, but <br />having to send at least two men to school for several weeks. This last alternative <br />would also mean the purchase of a new squad car. The total budget for police was <br />set at $16,000. <br />Mr. Rosengren began a discussion on setting up fees for building trades licenses, <br />as is done in most other municipalities. This matter will need some checking out <br />and will be discussed at the Sept. 8th meeting. <br />The Clerk was asked to remind Mr. Gotwald and Mr. Cape of the date of the next <br />budget meeting on Sept. 25th. The Clerk is also to ask the Assessor what amounts <br />can be expected next year from additional assessments. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to adjourn at 10:42 p.m. Seconded b . Rosengre <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of September 22, 196 <br />--- eri- Treasurer <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on September 8, 1969, <br />was called to order at 8:09 p.m. with all members present. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to accept the minutes of the August 25th meeting as corrected. <br />Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Gotwald which stated that the street work done in <br />LaMotte's Second Addition had been inspected, and that the remaining work, con- <br />sisting of the construction of 2 catch basins and laying a plant mix paver -laid <br />bituminous surface, 30 feet wide, gutter to gutter, would cost about $3,000. There- <br />fore, the amount Mr. LaMotte should provide in a savings certificate for the Village <br />would be $4,500.00. A letter from the First State Bank of Hugo was then read <br />which stated that they are holding Time Savings Certificate #1122 for $4,500.00 <br />at the request of Mr. Cecil LaMotte. Mr. Locher stated that this was all in order. <br />The Clerk read a letter from the Centerville Clerk which was to act as a bill of <br />sale for the tanker truck purchased from them on July 9th. Mr. Bohjanen thought <br />that the truck had been purchased by Centerville from some other small community <br />and the title card had never been received. Mr. Locher stated that we should <br />get a regular bill of sale from Centerville. He will provide forms for the same. <br />A bid on a tape recorder from Bill Munt Equipment Service was read. The cost for a <br />Craig 2106 tape recorder would be $52.00 and with an AC adapter, foot switch, <br />headset, bulk eraser and moderating speaker would be approximately $72.00. He had <br />also provided the cost for 5 -inch reels: the 1200 foot reel would be $2.45 each <br />and the 1800 foot reel would be $7.05 each. Mr. Bohjanen inquired whether the <br />Clerk had received a call from another company and was told "no ". The Clerk was <br />instructed to call Mr. Munt to bring out a set for a demonstration. Mr. Bohjanen <br />will call the other representative. <br />
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