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1803 James V. Rey Insurance on park luiiing <br />Motion by Speiser, second by B &cidin, to nay bills. Carried. <br />Motion by Reckenliable, second by Speiser, to adjourn meeting. Carried.. <br />Minutes annroved on February 21, 1964 <br />Meeting of the Council of Lino Les on February 24, 1964 <br />19.74 41 <br />Clerk <br />Members Present as follows: Mayor Domning; Trustee's Backlin, Speiser, Heckenliable, <br />end Clerk Heuer. <br />The minutes of the preceding' meeting were read and. on ;notion by Speiser, second. by Backlin <br />the be accepted es reed. Carried. <br />Mr. Backlin, reported that a map had been posted on the wall in the Tillage Hall and <br />he explained the various routes. He also checked on a -private road off Centerville road. <br />Motion by Backlin, second by Heckenliable, not to accept this road as a. Cilla.;e road. <br />Carried.. <br />!r. Backlin, also asked the Council for permission to allow people to haul dirt from a <br />bank of dirt on property on Sunrise. <br />'viii •e Attorney Loehr, informed Backlin, that the FCC license was valid until June 16, <br />19:6, seal to file a copy of the letter from the FCC and a renewal permit 60 days prior <br />to that date. <br />Motion by Backlin, second by Speiser, to install 2 radio's in the trucks and one in his <br />home. Carried <br />:otion by Backlin, second by Speiser, if Mr. Backlin, obtains an easement from the Land <br />owners then they can haul dirt from the property on Sunrise. C rri^:'. <br />Mr. Speiser, recuested infnIDmetion about the Bingo laws. The attorney expld.ined the state <br />laws pertaining; to bingo. <br />Mr. Speiser, asked about the use of Ralph's piece for bingo for the Shoreview Park Board. <br />Be also aixiaa& reported about a c.&.l fro:c Lena Billik about People around `'c <br />house and that he inf ore E d _ h e r t, r 1:i. c It was too w' r?n to <br />. i <br />s,_nd �e. <br />Yeckenli=ble grade a motion to amend Ordinance +6. <br />Motion by Heckenliable, second by Speiser, to reject liekkenliebi.e's motion. Carried. <br />Potion. by Speiser, second by Backlin, to hold hearing of the Amendment of Ordinance #6 <br />on March 23, 1964. Carried. <br />Heckenlieble, reported the election of officers for the Planning Commission. Heckenliable <br />Chairmen; ,`Mrs. Loyola. Thiltgen, secretary; Glenn Rehbein, Treasurer;. Hie also stated <br />that Mr. ffenrikson appeared at the Planning; meeting, but no action was taken. <br />Constable Raymond., reported that the checking of dos in the Tillage will be completed <br />in about two weeks. He also reported that he has been appointed Juvenile Officer for <br />_iro Lakes. <br />re ,or Domning, reported on a meeting with the Youthe Center. He also announced the <br />Perk Board ::eeting February 27, 1964 at the Tillage Hall, the D.F.L. caucus on March <br />'B at the Tilli e Hall anc:'. the East Lake D.T.L. Club meeting on P ?arch 6, 1964 also Pt <br />t ,e Hell. <br />