Lino Lakes Council meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Jan. 11,
<br />1965. All members present.
<br />Minutes of the previous meeting were read, and on motion by Backlin,
<br />second by Speiser, the minutes were accepted as read.
<br />Domning suggested that Kenneth Bryant be appointed as Civil Defense
<br />Director, if there were no other nominations. Vote was unanimous that
<br />Mr. Bryant be so appointed.
<br />Motion by Backlin, second by Speiser that Ed Houle be retained again
<br />for 1965 as Weed Inspector. Motion carried unanimously.
<br />Motion by Anderson, second by Domning that the village bank account
<br />be changed to Centennial State Bank of Lexington. On the vote, Anderson
<br />yes, Speiser no, Backlin no, Zelinka yes, Domning yes. Motion carried.
<br />Motion by Domning, second by Speiser that Circulating Pines be retained
<br />as the official village newspaper. On the vote, Anderson no, speiser yes,
<br />backlin yes, zelinka no,, domning yes. Motion carried.
<br />Motion by Backlih, second by Speiser, that the firm of Babcock & Locher
<br />be retained as Village Counsel. Motion carried unanimously.
<br />Motion by Backlin, second by Anderson, that Emily Rehbein be reap-
<br />pointed as Assessor. Motion carried unanimously.
<br />Mr. Downing spoke in favor of retaining someone geographically closer
<br />to the village as Auditor, and suggested Waldemar Hill in Circle Pines.
<br />The matter was discussed, after which Backlin motioned with second
<br />by Speiser, that Bonhiver & Anfinson continue as Village Auditors.
<br />On the vote, Anderson yes, Speiser, yes, Backlin yes, Zelinka yes
<br />Downing no.
<br />Motion by Domning and second by Speiser that Elgar Jester and Al Ross
<br />be appointed to the two vacancies on the Planning Board. On the vote,
<br />Anderson no, Speiser yes, Backlin no, Zelinka no, Downing yes.
<br />Mr. Backlin then moved that names be nominated and two men be appointed
<br />by written ballot. Jester, Ross, Kelling, Bohjanen and Rosengren
<br />were nominated. Ballot results: Jester, 4, Rosengren 2, Bohjanen 1,
<br />Kelling 1 and Ross 1. Jester and Rosengren accepted by unanimous ballot.
<br />After discussion on the contract for fire department protection, it
<br />was moved and seconded that we retain the two companies who have served
<br />us in the past, and at the same rate. Motion carried unanimously.
<br />Motion by Speiser and second by Domning, that Milner & Carley be retained
<br />as Engineering Consultants, and specifically, that George Gottwold of
<br />the .above firm handle village engineering work. Motion carried unan.
<br />Motion by Anderson to go according to the budget and give our part -
<br />time police officers raises as requested. No second to the motion,
<br />and after further discussion, this was held over to later in the evening.
<br />Domning next asked Mr. McCubrey, representing the Minnesota Highway
<br />Department, to briefly outline the situation on 35E as it affected this
<br />village. It was confirmed by Mr. McCubrey and the village engineer
<br />the county would build the parallel service road needed between #46
<br />and #54, in Section 23.
<br />