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02/22/1965 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/22/1965 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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86 <br />Following information by Attorney Locher, Speiser moved, and Backlin <br />seconded, that we okay Centennial Bank as depository for security for <br />bonds held by Marquette Bank. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The engineer explained the request by Minnesota Pipe Line and advised <br />the council to approve the relocation, but a stipulation should be <br />added for them to backfill with I" of crushed gravel. Motion by <br />Backlin, second by Speiser, that we approve the request. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />The engineer also read a letter concerning a 3" gas main crossing on <br />35W which was discussed. Mr. Gottwald will try to have more informa- <br />tion on this by the next meeting. <br />Backlin inquired if the Attorney had found out if the Rudrogen's were <br />willing to pay the fees involved in their case for an access road to <br />their property. Mr. Locher stated he had talked to them and they would <br />pay any legal fees involved and any engineering expenses. <br />1 <br />Backlin stated he had information that a very good used truck could be <br />seen in Anoka, selling price $2,600. The attorney informed him any such <br />purchase would have to be done by bid. Backlin moved and Speiser <br />seconded that he (Backlin) with another qualified person take a look <br />at the truck for sale. The motion was discussed with outright purchase <br />being mentioned as well as possible trade -in of present truck, and on <br />the vote, Anderson no, Backlin yes, Speiser yes, Zelinka yes, Domning yes. <br />Anderson reported that the Plumbing and Heating Code had been discussed . <br />at length at the Planning Board meeting. After discussion by the <br />Council it was decided that the Blaine Code would be looked at and <br />the matter carried over for further future discussion. <br />Anderson also read a list of names, considered to be in violation of <br />Housekeeping Ordnance 32. Anderson made a motion that the Clerk write <br />to these people, however, it was determined the list should be turned <br />over to the Police Officers to check out the violations. <br />Anderson proposed to have Attorney Locher look into the Green River <br />Ordnance to see if it would be feasible for this village to adopt. <br />Anderson also stated he had attended the last hospital meeting, and <br />again he felt that the new management was slowly bringing things into <br />a profitable focus. <br />Mr. Anderson also stated he was going to attend a budget hearing at <br />the State Capital on February 27 involving the Youth Center. <br />Attorney Locher stated he had received a phone call from State Liquor <br />Commissioner Joyce in which he recommended that liquor fees not be <br />split but paid in one payment. On the question raised concerning <br />closing hours and when the last drink could be ordered, Mr. Joyce <br />stated this was generally up to the individual, but under no circum- <br />stances could anyone be served after 1:00 a.m., and that everyone <br />should be out and the door locked by 1 :15 a.m. <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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