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04/11/1965 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/11/1965 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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92 <br />S P E C I A L M E E T I N G <br />This special hearing has been called on April 7, 1965. All members <br />present. (Meeting called at 7:00 p.m.) <br />We are to consider the question of Edward Cegla and suspension of his <br />liquor license. Mr. & Mrs. Cegla are present with their attorney, <br />John Flannagan of St. Paul. <br />Cep /a s <br />Mr. Flannagan briefly described the- F_annaga -'_, their background, <br />approximate investment ($16,000) in their business, how this invest- <br />ment was obtained, etc. <br />Mrs. Cegla admittedly sold liquor to a minor in February, and was found <br />guilty of a misdeamnor and paid the $100.00 fine. The Cegla's attorney <br />requested the matter be tabled for six weeks because he felt the original <br />charge was not worded correctly, and because the Cegla'sdid not have <br />legal representation at the time of their trial. During this interim, <br />Mr. Flannagan would attempt to reopen the court case and have the word <br />"wilfully" stricken from the original charge. <br />After discussion, it was moved by Speiser, seconded by Zelinka, that <br />the hearing be continued to May 19, 8:00 p.m. On the vote, Anderson <br />no, Speiser yes, Backlin yes, Zelinka yes, Domning yes. <br />Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. <br />S P E C I A L M E E T I N G <br />A special meeting was called for 2:00 p.m. Sunday, April llth. All <br />members present. Called for the purpose of the emergency flood condi- <br />tionswithin the village. <br />Bill Bohjanen asked the use of the hall to process claims for those <br />pepple meeding or wanting assistance. Bill is to work as liason officer <br />for the village with the county authorities and to assist Civil Defense <br />if necessary. <br />Mr. Richard Heule, address 8304 - 4th Avenue, was present at the meet- <br />ing and asked the assistance of the village to have his landlord (Tom <br />Anderson) turn on the water in the duplex in which he resided. He had <br />no water or sewer accommodations and had 5 children. Mr. Anderson had <br />turned off the water because of floodhg in the basement of the build- <br />ing, but Mr. Heule claimed that water in the basement had been a problem <br />ever since he moved into the dwelling last November. (Dick Anderson, <br />the other tenant, backed up the statement about the water trouble, but <br />obviously didn't want to start trouble with his landlord). <br />Mr. Anderson, the proprietor of the above property, felt he was not <br />responsible for his tenant's welfare, and stated he would only sustain <br />further damage to his building if he allowed the sewer and water to be <br />used. After considerable discussion, Tom Anderson agra] to turn on the <br />water and Mr. Heule agreed to use only drinking and cooking water and <br />use sewage facilities as little as possible until the high water had <br />gone down. <br />
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